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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Also I can't believe I got to this one first.
  3. OH JOYOUS DAY IT IS BACK https://www.wired.com/story/starbucks-pumpkin-spice-latte-is-back-to-mess-with-your-brain/
  4. That's not Stardew Valley.
  5. Yes. As I am. See, you're the perfect person for this thread then. Where you are one of us who is in the overlap of Gen X and Millenial, you can be easily categorized as Gen X now because you are unaware that it was indeed Kel who dropped the screw in the tuna. Maybe if I had explained it better it would make more sense. This mostly would serve as a test for people born in the Gen X/Millenial Overlap to associate them with one generation over another. Also, just because.
  6. I'm not clear on the rules. Is there a deadline, or are we waiting until the thread is locked?
  7. It is a goddamn amazing movie.
  8. I do look like that when I shave.
  9. Do you know who dropped the screw in the tuna? If you know the answer, you are a millenial.
  10. WAIT. HOLD THE FUCK UP. There are people on these boards who are MARRIED?
  11. That involves going outside in the Kentucky summer, with the humidity and the heat and the bugs. Fuck all of that noise.
  12. If you shove a toothpick through a grape and stick it into a large potato, that is what I look like. I do have some decently muscular legs because I'm hauling my fat ass around everywhere. But yeah, I have a pretty sedentary life where I work in a call center and when I'm not doing that I'm at home on the internet. I'm gonna look into getting a stationary bike so I can still YouTube and not be outdoors for people to laugh at for trying to get better. That will at least get some cardio going to get to the point I don't sweat myself to death if I join a gym later on for enhanced cardio and muscle building, since muscle burns fat faster.
  13. I'm hoping to get bitten by a radioactive Brawn Strowman so I gain his powers of being massive and making people get these hands.
  14. https://www.cicis.com/locations/search
  15. Gurl, you look amazing and don't have to lose any weight. But you do you.
  16. I've said suicide by pizza is the way I wanna go.
  17. Also my blood pressure was way too high and I'm actually concerned about my mortality. Worst of all, I learned I have a pimple IN MY EAR CANAL. My body fucking sucks.
  18. You mean you were phat. Or maybe even t h i c c.
  19. But I like being able to see my penis.
  20. Like, I'm a big dude. I've known I'm a big dude as it's quite obvious. But today I went to a clinic to check for an ear infection and they put me on the scale and I was actually blown away because I am 445 pounds. That's too damn big. So either I gotta change things and start exercising and counting calories and such, or not.
  21. Curiousity got me once and I wound up reconnecting with not only my first grade crush, but also my first grade best friends on Facebook a few years back. They are all happy and successful and married, so I'm happy for them.
  22. They're somewhere else.
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