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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I write with my right hand but can masturbate ambidextrously.
  2. Like the stuff in the chopsticks, not the one eating it.
  3. No. I haven't taken a picture but I should. It's fucking terrible.
  4. Like, just straight up cooked ramen. It's terrible and I can't stand looking at her.
  5. I mean anyone who wants the thing, go for it. I'm just disappointed because Suikoden 2 is one of the best games for the Playstation and it's not available on anything other than the Playstation discs which people sell for over $500. It would've been nice to finally get an official re-release.
  6. No Suikoden or Suikoden 2? Terrible.
  7. Like, it just puts me in a good mood. What things put you in a good mood?
  8. I have two character concepts. First is Cramdong the Barbarian. He's half minotaur and half centaur. Just the human halves of both. He's quiet and studious and generally dislikes violence, although he's good at it. The second is Geoff from Long Island. He's a human bard from modern times who just wants to go back home to his garage band, but he's stuck. He has an enchanted tablet that lets him on Twitter and other sites to post memes and pictures and converse with friends. Everyone thinks he's some kind of magical scholar since he has a lot of information but he's kind of stupid and doesn't know how to use a lot of the knowledge he has access to.
  9. Guy Beardmane from this day forward you will also be known as Lucky Bandit
  10. What is the thing you put in the butt?
  11. I'm really fond of Willard.
  12. Yeah, pretty much. I'm not very observant to begin with so it would take a woman coming up to me and saying "Hey, let's fuck" for me to pay much attention.
  13. Ay gurl how YOU doin
  14. Both. And you're right, except I'm 6'4" and not gonna look all the way down to see if her feet point the right way.
  15. I will, because I'm not gonna be looking at her feet anyway.
  16. No. I farted and the smell hit super fast and I barely had time to get the windows down.
  17. That is terrifying, because it's a good five feet off the ground.
  18. It's fucking horrible. Between bad aim and people who don't wash their hands it's enough to make one sick.
  19. Nah. See, if it could be boiled down to one person, this wouldn't be a thing. Apparently there are enough people who can't aim for shit that referencing Star Wars via a meme is the only way to tell them not to piss all over everything. I mean sometimes I'll be on spray instead of stream and I'll have to correct, but they provide Clorox wipes in there for mistakes, too. It's just too many lazy pissers.
  20. To warrant these hanging up in the men's room at work?
  21. I almost stank myself out of the car driving home from work once.
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