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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. THAT'S the thing. You have remembered correctly for me. So the answer is yes.
  2. Doesn't he straight up grab her by the pussy before he turns into Tang in the original series?
  3. Funny you should bring him up...
  4. I am up because it is midday and I am working.
  5. That's racist!
  6. Need 49 more red balloons here. Because 99 Red Balloons.
  8. I am fucking old. Send nudes.
  9. Loves her mama Loves Jesus, and America too
  10. I think it's a confidence thing. Like, you're taken so you don't go out of your way to try and make yourself desirable, and that level of comfort with yourself in turn attracts people because they see that you've got it together.
  11. Look. All I want is for this thread to continue with body positivity and potential cleavage and nudity, but specifically in my inbox. Send tits kthxbye
  12. Also, belly.
  13. PUPDATE: The babies went outside today. They have had a big day and are tuckered out.
  14. What's your dad like? I wanna meet that dad. Doo dah doo doo
  15. PUPDATE: Sleepy Belly
  16. You should know black don't crack. Oh man does saying that make me sound racist I hope not I fucked up oh shit
  17. Someone actually played Macarena on the jukebox. Like, they actually chose this song to play. Did anyone unironically enjoy this song so much they would say "yes, this is what I want playing whilst drinking and shooting pool."
  18. Look at this cute girl.
  19. Not at all. I am legit at a pool hall after midnight because I'm trying to impress a cute girl I like, except I'm tired as fuck and I suck at pool.
  20. At a pool hall after midnight like an old fashioned hooligan or hoodlum, all because I'm trying to impress a dame from the wrong side of town. I want to be in bed. I'm too old for this.
  21. I think it is a baby thing. Like they haven't got all the appropriate things that are supposed to be in their bellies so their gas is worse than normal.
  22. I think so. Ebony farted on me twice last night and both times made me wish I was dead.
  23. Did he love it and retweet it?
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