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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. "hey oog" "new rock, who dis?" "is oog"
  2. Probably because we have no way of knowing what protolanguage might have really sounded like, and grunting is funny well, linguists probably have an idea, but they also think neanderthals had goofy high pitched voices, and I don't know how I feel about that.
  3. That belt is not staying up unless she never moves from that position
  4. 80 is old, 90 is a prison anything beyond is hell
  5. most of my dandelions are mutated and weird, idk if i'd want to eat or drink them, but what part do you even use? The flower? The roots? I've never actually looked into this, it's just one of those things that I know people do/have done because reasons.
  6. Now pine cone liquor, on the other hand, that's where its at
  7. What does dandelion wine taste like? Seems like you'd need a lot of them.
  8. I can't help but wonder if it was a natural death or not...
  9. contrasting textures are not always a good thing
  10. Theyre crunchy and gross, ewww
  11. I bought canned mackeral, too, for variety, I'm gonna wager that I find similar surprises inside
  12. I looked, I couldn't seem to find one that said definitively. On the other hand, they aren't difficult to remove and I'm not squeamish about my food anymore, so it's fine to dig through it with my dirty fingers before making it into food. And if I miss any, it's extra minerals I guess...
  13. PROS salmon - omega 3s, tasty, slightly more sustainable harvest than tuna, inexpensive, one can makes multiple sandwiches without needing filler like breadcrumbs CONS ENTIRE SPINAL CORD AND RIBS hashtag firstworldproblems
  14. Do you have grackles in your area? Put out shitty bird seed with cracked corn in it, grackles love that and also love having gangwars with sparrows. The downside is then you have grackles.
  15. wait this is a packard thread
  16. Well, someone has to, right?
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