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Everything posted by -Ninja_Jesus-

  1. She barely drinks and doesn't smoke (I couldn't either cuz asthma), but we have fucking covered just fine.
  2. Oh shit.
  3. I respect it as a means of letting off steam and I understood why people enjoyed it but it just wasn't for me. My girlfriend wanted to go and I was like, "okay, as long as I can drink."
  4. Not quite a fan of the human on monster stuff, but there's some quality SFM vids out there.
  5. I'm not that kind of person but I went with her one day. About an hour in, I was like a few beers and maybe 3 shots of tequila in and had a good buzz going, but then I saw it; some guy was trying to feel up my girl. Now, I've never been a confrontative guy, but I was not having it that night. Straight up pushed the guy and asked him what the fuck he's doing to my girlfriend. It was cliche'd as fuck. I was ready to square up. The guy's a local boy too, in Hawaii we have an equivalent to rednecks, cholos, chavs or whatever, called mokes. He looked more ready to throw down than I did and talked some major shit, but the tequila told me I could take him. Right when he and I were about to get into it, this huge Tongan bouncer steps in and lays down the law, graciously but firm. "You guys good? Don't start nothing boy." Now, when I say big, I mean like he had about 200 pounds on me, and I was like 230 myself, and the braddah had backup too about the same size. Of course I wasn't gonna start shit now, you don't fuck with Tongans. So I was like, "Yeah uncle, we good," definitely not feeling done with it. But yeah, I escorted my girlfriend out of the club and we haven't been to one since. That was like, 3ish years ago. I just thought of it right now and cringed so hard, but I'm kinda proud of myself for not pussing out back then.
  6. Is he actually dying? 😮 Oh shit.
  7. Two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven.
  8. O_oO_Oo_O
  9. At the point I am in my life, a bit hopeful.
  10. I'm all read up on the Light Novel and more or less on the manga, so I'm very hyped to see how they adapted it. So far it looks cute! Not too thrilled about the liberal use of 3D thrown in but hopefully it's all good in the end.
  11. Throw all the shade at his bigoted ass.
  12. Also, sex is great and all but have you ever held hands with a significant other and knew that there's no letting go, no holding back, because you are my baby?
  13. Sex, like everything else in life, takes practice.
  14. 1 + 3 = ???
  15. Jenewbee? More like JeOLDbee! Happy birthday!
  16. I don't get ads. I'm a premium boy.
  17. Here's a re-enactment of their reaction:
  18. Can I trade it in for a Hurdy Gurdy?
  19. In case I want to major in it, I wanna know what it's officially called.
  20. I make up for it by giving extra though.
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