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Everything posted by -Ninja_Jesus-

  1. Sounds like Hawaii right now. Tourism is such a fragile economy booster.
  2. I honestly don't know any of their hits, I think this was popular?
  3. https://global.bookwalker.jp/ I've been using this service a lot lately since I discovered it a few months ago. It's so convenient to find manga and light novels! Anyone else using this service?
  4. Same! I really had to psyche myself to go to that club, lol.
  5. Siblings or parents names, hell no, however, since I'm not blood related to any of my family due to adoption, I don't have any such issues with dating some stranger with the same name as an extended relative. Not really close to those relatives anyway.
  6. Spit
  7. Wrong number texts asking me if I could do their daughter's tattoos.
  8. A place called Chef Zone, it sells food, ingredients and restaurant equipment wholesale to different restaurants and regular customers, think of it as a smaller Costco. But they have a chef that does lunch for the employees once a week to get workers acquainted with the ingredients and food the store sell so they can sell it better to customers.
  9. Kept my cool and answered all questions adequately, apparently this retail gig has its own chef for lunch breaks too.
  10. It’s currently 1:30 pm where I am.
  11. Wish me luck
  12. -Ninja_Jesus-


    Talking about my boy the racing snail?
  13. Cobra Kai but also a stable home life and healthy relationships.
  14. What a good show, one of my favorites.
  15. I’m reading the Light Novel, which has more of a story than the anime. Also, Arifureta is much easier to digest when you consider that the author of the novels is a self-proclaimed “chuuni lover”.
  16. He's used to having things given to him naturally and has no fucking cajones to actually follow through on his ideals with action. What a little bitch.
  17. When they got the old Cobra Kai gang back that one episode I was so hyped.
  18. Eternally under construction.
  20. Just like westpark then, lol.
  21. I feel like the only reason I'm the one giving genuine empathy here is because I don't know him like you guys do, lmao.
  22. By the Greatest Voices Of Our Time
  23. I don't do confrontations normally, unless it's like a moral/ethical stand that needs physical reinforcement or like fight or flight situations. Beefing for social status, especially if it's like a one-off thing, is really dumb to me.
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