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Everything posted by -Ninja_Jesus-

  1. Rapper
  2. How do you know I'm on an island? O_O
  3. Hurry up before the flood overtakes you!
  5. Everyone had to do their school proms with their moms now.
  6. It is?! I had no idea! I will be looking forward to it.
  7. I’m absolutely getting the best experience in comparison to the anime. So many points of view being added and a lot more in-depth information about the lore and world building. Worth the purchase!
  8. I also worry about Trump not being punished
  9. You see, you say that but Alex Jones has zero credibility in my eyes. I’d sooner believe in the gay frogs.
  10. I don't know how ironic it is if they're next to Alex Jones.
  11. Sorry, they’re all a bunch of douchebags. “Free Ghislane”? The one substantial link to Jeffrey Epstein besides Trump? Get the fuck out of here.
  12. If you don't like it, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAAAAAAAY
  13. My state is deep blue so I would be immensely surprised if it suddenly voted red.
  14. Ice
  15. Cher's
  16. Remember
  17. When
  18. People
  19. Did something something I don't know how to delete topic posts so I'm filling this in with random text
  20. I thought you told me you knew what you were doing?!
  21. Theirs
  22. And 2 of them are Rhiannon.
  23. I happen to like power trip fantasies because 2020 has been a garbage hellscape and it's nice to watch some escapism. I wouldn't necessarily call Tanya the Evil OP, but she does get very powerful. Overlord is a great anime and I'm kinda scared what they're gonna be doing going forward. Slime-san is similar to Overlord in certain ways but definitely zigs when Overlord zags, I just wish Slime-san would get on with the main plot already. Never seen Devil is a Part-Timer, I'll add that to my queue.
  24. You should watch Log Horizon then, it's like SAO but not garbage after the halfway point. Also, Bakarina was an excellent choice, good anime all-around.
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