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Everything posted by -Ninja_Jesus-

  1. Happy birthday! I’ll send you li hing mui. It’s still your favorite right?
  2. Those are fighting words.
  3. They don’t have Trigun or Wolf’s Rain on Crunchyroll yet. 😡
  4. Like mayonnaise on top of celery and eaten as is. My wife doesn’t believe it exists. But it does. It’s a good little snack.
  5. I would love to see a horror harem.
  6. Fun times. Definitely was one of those people cybering. Cringy thinking back, but I was a dumb teenager lmao.
  7. I’m trying to come up with ideas for decorating the house that involve my interests and my wife is saying no to everything; it’s almost as if I need a space to have stuff that’s just for myself.
  8. One week since my wife and I moved to Washington. Already ran out of money (only had $1000, spent it entirely on necessities and bills, had to beg my parents for more.) The house my in-laws got is nice though. Just waiting for them to move over in June, which means 4 months without parental supervision! I regret not lining up a job before moving but all the jobs I applied for prior wanted to interview me in person, then promptly didn’t follow up when I called them back. Sucks to suck. Found some Hawaii food places though! Hopefully they get back to me. I miss local food (and Hawaii)!
  9. I was thinking of this.
  10. Apparently for Dickfight Island. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  11. Also, this thread belongs in Community Discussion.
  12. What is the point of posting porn on the boards? Other than to share your fetish with others? I don’t get it. Just go fap on your own.
  13. Nagatoro. After reading all of the manga that’s out so far I’ve grown to like it. The anime is kind of an amalgamation of different chapters which is weird but they do their best to make it work.
  14. Ebooks when possible. I am not an organized person and I don’t yet have the space for a bookshelf.
  15. So I read all the currently available English translated manga volumes (9 on Bookwalker) and I feel like a story like Nagatoro’s works better on page than as an anime. It grew on me eventually like ya’ll said and I do appreciate the story more. But I can’t stand the voices of the anime for some reason.
  16. Yeah she’s cute but I’m not down with the bullying aspect, maybe because I was bullied horribly irl. I don’t get how that’s an attractive aspect of the series.
  17. Happy birthday dude. You never call anymore.
  18. Not like Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is underrated.
  19. Should I steal them for myself? I have no friends.
  20. Over at the zoo
  21. I didn’t, there was too many to count and I forgot all the emails associated with them.
  22. You can’t leave forever… o_o
  23. I just eat how I normally do. If they’re good they’re good.
  24. I’m brown skinned bro, I’m sure I’d get more trouble from a red city regardless of my political affiliation. 🤣
  25. Yeah, actually, and everything worked out! Damn, good memory on you.
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