I don't remember Ticc but I haven't heard the name Westpark in years. I'm pretty sure he inspired another name I adopted, aplatonicjacuzzi. What a doucher.
So many familiar names, old names I haven't seen in years, and ones that still post here even now. I wonder how everyone else is doing? If they moved to new boards, or if they grew out of posting online and are just being regular people now?
over a girl who was on the boards. That was 12-13 years ago.
At least, I think it was them, and that it was over a girl. It could've been something else.
Going through the years on this is making me sad. I recognize a lot of names, and haven't thought of them in a long time. RIP Goldar, and I wonder what Batou-San is up to.
A few times. The World God Only Knows being one of them. And Mushoku Tensei. although the anime was only announced, but I felt like I should read up before the anime starts. Definitely Princess Jellyfish too.
Edit: I guess Naruto and Inuyasha count.