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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. get in the robot then. at least its realistic.
  2. okay hold up, i said that in a way of hatred, that was intended to be mockery of his manhood, in a way that was baseless and could never be proven. to insult him. not because that shit it true, it was a wild guess. how would i know he was closeted? if he was gay, not that thats realistic, but if he was gay i wouldnt flaunt it worse than any other insult the truth is hes was rich doctor from canada. he was 56 years older than memy entire life. he was more a of a grumpy grandpa, and a real negative prick sometimes. other than that this thread really isnt about him, i was shaming him a little but nothing with prospect. once in a while need to let out a good, "fuck you"
  3. i like to present a man who calls his son, fat and stupid... takes advantage of a fat stupid kid in an argument to look good about so forth mentioned irrational ideas and prescribes medication that makes him fat and stupid.
  4. i dont really know what I say, just to plainly describe him, but it sounds like; unrelatable, argumentative about irrational ideas, and condescending.
  5. do you hate me? if you hate me that means i know two other people right off the bat, because you guys are too negative to think into it. the first time israel and palestine fought, mustve been old testament, ......that joke i made makes sense doesnt it? dont hate me, please?
  6. last winter i quit taking psych meds and quit my job. i spent the whole cold season in another state. the cops put me up in a poor house, and i spent sometime in a homeless shelter. i did pretty well for a person with absolutely no belongings, money, or place to stay. but the point of the story is i lost 100 pounds and looked better than ever, and i got laid by several different women. so dad, if my tattoos look bad, why am i getting more skin in one season than you did in your life?
  7. me? because id rather it go to my mom.
  8. but why do people hate packard? he seems likable and all.
  9. yeah it was one of the first times i ever drank and i just started chugging. last night, replaying this message in my head, i remembered i was 12 not 11
  10. romance, sex, and orientation, are not always on the same level.
  11. this is one of those things you cant be prepared for when under scrutiny. even if i told you (someone thinking of me as being in denial), being completely open about it (when thats appropriate) is obviously not denial, and most likely, you'll make up a chauvinist reason its still about male competitiveness and rivalry, and put any effort to the opposite lesser than your expectation and lesser in terms of masculinity or dominance. i mean, thats what ive come to expect. why do you think its denial? @KreiaDidNothingWrong
  12. NaBraniel? i dont believe you.
  13. Goldar passed away my dear.
  14. weird shit thats probably true that marks a deja vu like that is not "general"
  15. oh yeah like the juggalo gangbang of '99...? yeah why wasnt i invited?
  16. thats why its on broadcast babe
  17. fuck it you have to be afraid to not face the world as a gay... its facing yourself thats hard
  18. lolol you know when a big burchy takes his bitch? what are you gonna say, "no dotn rape me?"
  19. well, if its gone when prison rape gets home.
  20. hed grab a guy and turn him gay just to get by.
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