its not true... we change
we change out ourn souls for ones that dont sin,
every time we make a mistake.
i have done worse than been gay i hope honestly.
would brock sampson fake being gay for an undercover?
im just lashing out because beta losers like zenigundam always acting so tough. if he got a twentieth of the pussy ive plowed, hed be singing hallelujah
the first time i was 11 years old and i was on a half of a bottle of vodka and eight beers.
the second a cashier at a grocery store asked if he could blow me inb a parking lot, and i just didnt want to turn down head from and inferior male for some reason.
and the third my drug dealer offered to pay me.
i dont know why. but im not gay. i just could never turn down sex.
you are always complaining about betas, as if thats a real class of human being, and now you admit you are helpless without them.
i think you have developed an anal tendency towards men. idunno ask freud
i dont know you anymore either. i wonder who you even are. are you a colombian drug lord? are you a donald trump look-alike? do you sell sea shells by a seashore?