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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. yeah well like i said her boyfriend expects me to be nice.
  2. to take up half the ugly for them? like did you ever wonder if that football playing, bottle cap biting, gangster bitch, had a brother that was dainty and feminine? can i just tell her shes butt fucking ugly and makes me want to hurl on my shoes? looking at her is the same as getting punched in the nutsack. i dont want to imagine her naked. im fucking shocked she has a boyfriend and i know him, and he corroborates her story.
  3. nothing in this world is worth a laugh. HA!
  4. to tell the truth just because their lies are so fucking evil.
  5. who is we, and what kind of work out or is it to learn to max lift or is it just a workout? i think i only lift to max lift, i dont workout. sometimes i buy weight stuff, but i always pawn it.
  6. zenigundam jr. and victim #200,890,015
  7. and all-mighty ruler of things people dont want and despise... for your instant gratification upon all of us, for what you call reality, eternally, gaymen.
  8. who are you calling she? the fantasy in your head or the actual co-worker?
  9. reaction to title: you better eat some laxatives
  10. my first big ticket item was jewelry also. i had an $800 diamond necklace. to get it to sell in minutes i priced it low, and lowered it ever few hours untill it sold. it went for $212 i sold a lot on ebay for a beginner. that account is negative $90 bucks too, with seller fees.
  11. well i dont see how it would be fair business practices to drop their biggest partner
  12. its an adam west popcorn maker
  13. its a thing you put the raw corn cob in and then put it in a fire and it makes carmel corn
  14. short circuit 5eva
  15. its sad people found that entertaining.
  16. this is my favorite post on the whole internet
  17. "mustve" is a weird word to put in a song.
  18. nope. you remember it wrong it was this. i dont know why people confuse it with total eclipse no idea
  19. it was supposed to be "mumbo" but i misspelled it "mubo"
  20. it was supposed to be "mumbo" but i misspelled it "mubo"
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