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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. to play my laptop through from an ebay wholesaler, and it arrived in an amazon box.
  2. when youre busy and someone orders, forgetting the weight of one, having to go get an empty one and weigh it,.... it just has to be taken to memorization. theres no way around it
  3. im just going to have to bring every empty container with me to the scale and make my own list or go into wherever they store the deliveries and look if it says on the boxes. it might even say somewhere on the container but ive been so busy.
  4. well with these scales you have to be in a menu that lets you weigh, like for instance you cant be in the menu with different types of food you have to select, "cold sides" or"fried tenderloins" on the screen, and then it will either be a by pound type of food or a set price type of food. for example 5 jalapeno poppers is $3. but a pound of mac n cheese is a $1.85, so you have to weigh it in a container. if you weigh something in a screen of a selected item, it prints a ticket for that amount, because the only thing you are allowed to weigh in that menu, is mac and cheese so you have to put it in the container first, and then weigh, and manually tare a .09 or a .04, it just depends on the container, but i dont know the weights (there are probably ten or fifteen different containers) and it isnt something i can keep getting by
  5. prepared item and deli items come in containers. do you want me to plop meatballs on the scale? no you want me to tare the weight of every container, manually. am i supposed to be a fortuneteller of container weights? someone has either got to make a list of container weights, program the scale, or tell me where i am supposed to find container weights.
  6. and i dont mean some antique. a digital scale that you have to enter the amount to tare... why wouldnt it auto tare to zero and not be a pain in my ass? because you dont really have the time to go to the scale first to weigh empty containers, then go get your stuff, then return to the scale, re-weight, then tare, then print your ticket.
  7. theyre not obscure. the golden calf is a symbol for a liar, a false god, and misguidance, its a pun for my title about people that misrepresent themselves in relationships. it doesnt have any reference to anyone you or anyone else here knows. it isnt obscure its deep. take a deeper look
  8. its not about other members its about my real life
  9. but i think people put a name + rep label on me. this happened at [as] too i shouldve expected it.
  10. even you said im not coherent enough to post. i go way outta my way sometimes to uphold an image of what happens between uembers.
  11. yeah im being treated halfway between packard and bucket, and i dont owe anybody the shame, so im really juggling fucking off.
  12. the comments directed at me like we're on fagbook
  13. then go have fun with out me. go ahead fly little birdy, fly away.
  14. is she hot? maybe you can get some scissor action.
  15. do you know what diagnosis he has? i dont think hes a head banger.
  16. sexy nerd girl full-time would be offensive, to regular nerd girls, and probably rape victims and single people.
  17. tell him he could have the money that was stolen back free of charge, or at a special rate, he can have the right to not consider himself an idiot.
  18. umm. are non-employees allowed in that area?
  19. in my five minute speech o taught abut 10 people to say nyhongo ga skoshi wakatimas, and why the sentence is grammatically structured that way
  20. i wouldnt know. the scariest possibility is infinity universal powers tearing, grinding, eroding, torturing, and deteriorating painfully your mind and soul. so i dont think many of us are due that.
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