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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. in interviews that ask hobbies i say forums like us but i dont name any sites accept reddit
  2. .i think the whole universe happened on the seventh day, and he had that day off
  3. i never heard of your dad before. if that true? is he a rich fuck?
  4. guys with little dicks dont get laughed at. if your hormones are raging, youre filled with adrenaline, and have a powerful sex drive, & along with the drama of being there for her, & holding/taking her in your arms and making her yours (on whatever level )& its easy to score and they dont laugh at the men when theyre getting fucked.
  5. i meant for using their site to establish all the personal connections we use on this site, which would have been impossible without them, and that we werent allowed to establish those personal connections on their site, so that might motivate them to manhandle us into some overly legal-y situations.
  6. can they say we are solely theirs and we are not allowed to speak to one another outside of the classroom?
  7. is there any rule against making an alt here because i might make an alt. but then ill be stuck in ffa for a while, (ill go incognito)
  8. can you give me an example of what sauces you would use on a florentine francese? i think its a florentine and i cant remember how to turn it carnivore, maybe its cheese and mushroom. for some reason now im remembering it with peppers, and zucchini but i know im wrong about the peppers, and i cant imagine a pan of zucchini laying around so the chef must also be a magician. its like the harder i think about francese is best with just plain linguine and a lemon slice because i cant remember how to turn it into a veggie white sauce. i wish i learned more from the italian chef that brought me on one of my first jobs.
  9. bail could be thousands of dollars so im glad that turned out to be bogus. i doubt anyone would get that lucky someone was giving away that much free money so i felt really bad for her. i dont want to know i guess. good luck, but i dont get any of the context so im trying to see what could be going on
  10. your mom called you a white boy? shes treating you like youre 13 i told you that once.
  11. does sirius.xm have pause and replay?
  12. pretty sure bnmjy wishes i was scared of him.
  13. i guess some are just a cross and thats all it means. some are smaller significance and some might have great significance. all in all i would never do the mi vida loca cross also, gang tattoos can be very artistic
  14. ..............."...The three dots tattoo is a common prison tattoo that represents “mi vida loca,” or “my crazy life.” It's not associated with any particular gang, but with the gang lifestyle itself. ... On the other hand, this tattoo can also carry some religious significance, usually representing Christianity's holy trinity........,,,,,"... I had the same problem identifying some of them. the ones without dots are so similar that i think theyre at least the same symbology. only thing is for the hundreds without dots, no affiliation can be found through my research... i have asked around and even checked about opinions on what they mean. the closest thing is mi vida loca cross people even lie to avoid talking about them, because i have had people tell me straight out, no they never saw one before and i know theyre fucking lying. theres also the ones that are just dots and no cross
  15. did she arrange any of it with you? does she talk directly to you or do you hear everything through your wife? is your wife a member here? i guess you can handle guests, wait... how dirty?
  16. is there like a google guitar i can record on?
  17. its a hispanic gang sign, dont ask me why white people get them. i think some white american groups completely adopted it, because there are a lot of those floating around
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