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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. so it should be that one's religion or nationality shouldnt be appointed at birth by the parents, but at a young age the children should be forced to compete to win the affection of their people, and the losers (like me) can go on to become nomads and roam the plains of Wisconsin. Amen
  2. "...and at the top of my list of very important insults,... .....is the purely hated fact i originated all of them in their proper glory, unknown to the underlings they represent until my brilliance showed them!...."
  3. '. youre welcome
  4. thats an interesting perspective. i dont seem to have the problem of people touching themselves around me. whats that like? cant you just, look away?
  5. @Adminderaptorpat @MEXobiologist @KN
  6. oh, i thought they were regional.... carry on!
  7. well if everyone's willing.... but idunno about those poor potatoes. we wont be able to get the smell off of them. on a serious note, do you have japanese beetles?
  8. if it was about squatting to poop out raw potatoes from the garden, sexual may have come to mind.
  9. they have millions of dollars gaming platforms
  10. i deleted most of my facebook myself. and then asked for them to rip out the skeleton. they were like, well ok but you can never come back.
  11. i have spent a lot of time on facebook and there isnt a lot of people that made huge embarrassing mistakes or revealed anything too personal, theres a margin, but i hope its small
  12. but you already have an asshole. first, we have to give assholes to the people that didnt receive one yet.
  13. or can they pass to the pitcher and catcher too if the want?
  14. so i put a link in my sig that should explain how for anyone in that crowd.
  15. i used to be on your facebook for about a week in 2015. i could see you werent really looking for friends and i noticed that you had some chats or topics going on i wasnt a part of, so i unfriended it, no harm no foul
  16. @Adminderaptorpat i wanna be a different person now. please address me as mumbo13 in all of our future correspondence. yours truly, mumbo13
  17. one time i had explosive diarrhea while i was driving in heavy traffic, far enough from home that i had to pullover to a public bathroom. i made it, but the burger king toilet i shit allover wasnt so lucky. there were no paper towels in the dispenser of course, and i cleaned the catastrophe with just toilet paper. i got it all cleaned up without telling anyone because i was so embarrassed to tell anyone that i shit allover the place
  18. you guys dont want me, and theres no one posting in DF regularly. theres sometimes 5 or 10 hours between new posts in DF, so if i post 3-5 posts, im allover the front page and it looks like im treating my favorite forum like its my facebook so i have to stop posting and wait for new posts... why did you guys kick me out, and how did you agree on it...? you must be exaggerating whatever it is you think i did.
  19. i used to work at walmart and we are a smaller town, not a city, (thats why everyone here knows her) and we had a customer who was a shop-a-holic and she would spend thousands at walmart, max out all her credit cards, bring 5 shopping carts full of toys and clothes and then return everything the next day several times when i worked there, and i was only there a year
  20. i didnt know they had anywhere near 735 stores and 33,000 employees in the USA. thats like 14 locations per state... thats a lot more than i was aware of
  21. someone should build them a lego castle.
  22. if its pork chops or steaks or something i have plates here.
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