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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. was it like a demon came by and stabbed you in the ass? that happens to me sometimes too.
  2. you can fill up basins and add a small amount of ammonia to sanitize with or clean things in. you dont have to boil all the water you use.
  3. the sriracha xl cheeseburger was pretty new when i quit BK in 2015. i made a lot of them for customers but i dont remember eating one.
  4. do you think people are controlling you or conspiring against you? do you think people can read or control your thoughts? do you think your thoughts are broadcast, people can read your mind, or are inside your head? do you like honey nut cheerios?
  5. oo yeah i like when ur rough with it....
  6. we will perish, they will be stuck on their self-prescribed thrones forever
  7. if youre a traveler can they stop LGBT on the street for walking?
  8. i have two things saudi arabia can recognize. my cock and balls
  9. do you still use tampons even though it has no eggs in it? like if you arm is bleeding, do you grab a tampax and tie it to your arm?
  10. has been completely dissolved into meaning the same thing as "laptop?" the only safe guess is "notebooks" must be smaller and weigh less. but people use the words interchangeably irl.....
  11. i'd paddle away.
  12. every peer network has standards, and friends can fit many standards. you need to be realistic with your friends amirte?
  13. however small that may seem i didnt gossip until my lips bled or take solace in the demise of others
  14. they tried to tell me i wasnt artistic, i ignored them a wrote poems and researched until i wrote something that had already been written
  15. i havent heard from you since i was three, dad. why do you want me to pluck your weeds?
  16. you are getting kudos for remembering who i am.
  17. they have really good chicken and rice or beans and rice. the best in the world. i love puerto rican food but they have a nasty banana and onions desert that looks like chopped penis. but i love rice and beans
  18. @fuggnificent retard?.... no i never meant you actually have an 80 or below IQ, silly of course not. im just striking back at adversity to my original 10 posts this morning. ok sorry for this, the one i edited if you actually feel offended, and let me explain the damned term "fried banana" has one meaning, not an evil one. the taxi operated in small, dense hispanic areas, we got mothers screaming kids 24/7 and idiot adults trying to get home stoned, and real fucking gangsters and the all of the like. some little puerto rican shops have to-go food and some of the things you see may or may not look like someone is eating a fried banana. idgaf because i dont slurp on shit in public, because im a fucking human that has concerns for others, and sucking down porkballs isnt fucking necessary in public. sorry. though because it doesnt mean your ignorant for whatever reason, it means your ignorant for being a bitch to me the first 15 posts straight i made to day, and sorry for it being dragged out into another thread just to clear that up. sorry i respect you ok? sorry again for real though the answer to why i cant relate and admit i am being nasty is just you not accepting what i want to say and nothing more.
  19. one word answers are almost never appreciated unless comedic attempts are made
  20. real life example: if you are really happy about a friend accomplising something like getting a promotion, but her friends are more interested or popular with her, your belief to exclude yourself from somewhere youre not wanted actually distracts you from congratulating your friend...
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