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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I don't know what's happening, but I love it.
  2. Did you step outside the baseline?
  3. I'm going to assume that was when luuv died. Wait, no, that's stupid.
  4. For real though, who are these guys?
  5. I like how Jordan Peele is choosing his movie titles like their memes.
  6. Also also, if this is a thing, I'll eat my hat. "Oh yeah, I'm a server in a restaurant, which is notoriously one of the lowest paying jobs in the entire western world, as well as one of the most frustrating dealing with entitled assholes all day, but don't patronize me with your fucking change." Also also also, don't the servers have to split the tips with the kitchen workers? No one would be insulted by change if they have to split the tips multiple ways.
  7. According to Philip J. Fry, Bender knows how to make Ice Cream Soup. If we're assuming there's actually such thing as ice cream soup, then it is a bowl of melted ice cream. Also shakes aren't completely melted. Ice cream soup is like you got yourself a bowl of ice cream then let it sit for a half hour before you touch it. Or put it in the microwave long enough to have the same consistency as milk (which shakes are thicker than). Round up the tip. I think the only thing that would make me not tip is if I've been sitting for like 20 minutes after I've been seated and I still haven't been brought a menu or a drink, or if it has been 20 minutes since I've been brought the menu and the server hasn't come to take my order yet. Oh, and also, 200 HUNDRED DOLLAHS FOR A TIP CALCULATUH!
  8. Personally I think it's a breath of fresh air from the norm of what AS has been for the past 20 years. Maybe it's just because I'm (much) older now, but pushing the envelope of good taste just for the sake of it doesn't do it for me anymore.
  9. I'm remembering Butters describing the male orgasm as the penis "sneezes milk"
  10. I just want to know what conceptually is supposed to be the difference between Free For All and General Discussion? By the time Pat has sorted everything out, hopefully by the end of the week, I expect one of those two to be gone. Whichever one, doesn't matter to me.
  11. Pretty sure I got rid of all of mine.
  12. Hey, they do! I didn't notice that because I never scroll down that far. Just minimized the archive to help with that. However, how am I to distinguish new posts from no new posts? On the forums the icon is the dialog bubbles that are either blue or grey, with the clubs I guess it's whatever the club creator decided to use as an image. Oh I get it, no new posts the icons are dim.
  13. Hey @Raptorpat you know how for the front page of the forums, the dialog bubbles are highlighted blue when at least one new post has been posted in that folder, and it is left grey when there are no new posts? It would be great to have something like that for the Groups index page. So I don't have to click on each group just to see if there are any new posts in any of them.
  14. I was under the impression that made all of us cry.
  15. ??????? I wasn't aware of any hacking just before node..... I'm talking about 2009.
  16. Did I just take a time warp to Rants circa 2005?
  17. I don't remember that. As close as I can remember to that is when Galaxian hacked the boards and unbanned some banned accounts.
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Happy birthday! 🎂 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
  20. What about what Mr. Burns did?
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