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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I mean, THANKS for the info. I have to make a new post to correct that. :-\
  2. Dammit luuv, that's retarded. Much more retarded than anything on any iteration of the ASMB. That's for the info though, MD.
  3. Actually I spoke too soon. Still loading very slowly. Also, how do you edit your posts? :-\
  4. I was having the same issues, but all of a sudden, it seems to be running smoothly now.
  5. The load times are ridiculous. And so much of the time the page doesn't even load.
  6. I was never able to beat Super Mario Bros. When I get to 8-4 I run out of time before I find the right path. And I have a really hard time beating 8-3 because of the hammer bros., so I get virtually no practice on 8-4. I suck.
  7. Those commercials with the "Can you hear me now?" guy crack me up. Like he sits on a bench and a woman goes, "Hey aren't you..." like she recognized him. Who in the blue hell would recognize that guy after all this time? Also the marketing tactic of "We're not the best, but we're cheap!"
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