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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Do edibles suck or something?
  2. I like Wendy's 4 for 4.
  3. It's weird I always liked Code Red because it tastes like fruit punch to me. Then they come out with a fruit punch flavor that tastes less like fruit punch to me. And then I find out Code Red is cherry.
  4. This is going to make me sound like a sexist pig, but... Breast implants that actually both look and feel real. Other than that, a guitar synthesizer that works as well as it's traditional keyboard counterpart.
  6. Yeah I hate watermelon Jolly Ranchers, lol. They literally taste like puke to me.
  7. Watermelon soda, eh? Never heard of that. I generally hate artificial watermelon flavor, so I'd probably hate watermelon soda.
  8. Weird Al should parody Black Sabbath's Behind the Wall of Sleep as Behind the Wall of Trump.
  9. Damn man, I didn't mean to offend. Judging by some of your other posts in this thread, I thought you were open to feedback on the matter, so I gave some. I'm not trying to tell you what to do with your board or anything.
  10. It's definitely just the beginning.
  11. BUT I WANT TO PLAY BY THE RULEZ To put it simply, is it ok to discuss each others' rants in the haters/complainers thread? At the very least, a 'yes' or a 'no' would be a satisfactory answer.
  12. You actually did not say you were after my mom. But that does make more sense. ;D
  13. One of my biggest concerns is he absolutely does not know the meaning of the word diplomacy. If he ever gets in an exchange with other world leaders, which I'm sure he will, shit can really hit the fan. That's also one of my biggest fears. One thing I've always been confused about is the muslim ban. How the hell do you ban a religion from a country? Like a middle eastern guy comes off the plane, and some security guys asks him, "What's your religion?" And he's a muslim but he goes, "Oh, I'm Jewish." Then the security guy goes, "Ok, welcome aboard." Or, maybe the guy really is Jewish, and the security guy goes, "Nice try, you look muslim, so you are muslim! Back on the plane you go!" And for that matter, wouldn't this be a flagrant violation of freedom of religion in the first amendment? "Sorry bud, you can't practice Islam here." "What about freedom of religion?" "Fuck that shit." Another thing is when he said Mexican immigrants were rapists. We've all heard the "immigrants are taking our jobs" argument 50,000 times, but I legit never once in my life heard anyone accuse Mexican immigrants as a group as being rapists until Trump said that. And I pictured in my head a possible scenario to explain it: One day Trump finds his wife in bed with their Mexican gardener. He goes "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE???" Then his wife goes, "Uh... he raped me. Yeah, that's it." BAM! Mexican immigrants are now rapists in his mind because his wife didn't want to admit she was cheating on him.
  14. Why do you want a random strange kid so bad anyway? That seems a little suspicious.
  15. I'm a little confused about the rules of the Haters/Complainers thread. The OP said to post if you want to rant about something but not discuss it. Does that mean we're not really allowed to discuss things in the thread? There are posts in there I'd like to reply to, and more posts will probably pop up in the future that I would want to reply to. And I made a post in there I would like people to reply to. I posted my post in the thread because it was just a short little rant not backed up with works cited and a thesis statement like was expected for threads in old school Rants. I read through the thread for guidance, but no one is replying to anyone else's posts, so.... just wondering.
  16. Application for new dad denied.
  17. Boo Wii! I need to kill hookers and deal drugs in a virtual environment!
  18. Depends. You got PS4?
  19. Yes. Since this isn't the ASMB I can finally say that openly.
  20. Look at it like this: How active was the ASMB when it was just AS, site support, GCD, GAD, and Noise? And how active did it become when every AS show under the sun received its own folder?
  21. I'm watching a reporter on TV right now named Tom Llamas. I find that a funny name. I wonder if there's a reporter named Ted Kangaroos or something.
  22. Hey people that blast your music out of your headphone speakers to the world (not to your own ears): Fuck you. The rest of the world does not want to hear your crappy music. I was in a quiet building trying to get some reading done before class. Some numbnuts with those damn speakers comes in the building and walks around. Now, I could've gone outside to read. The door was right there, and there are plenty of benches right out there. However, this numbnuts kept walking not only throughout the halls, but also outside the building. Like there was no escape from this guy unless I found seats in or outside another building. I sat where I sat because it was right outside where my class was next, and I wanted as short a walk to class as possible for as much time to read as possible. I listen to music in school buildings all the time. BUT I PLUG MY EAR BUDS INTO MY FUCKING EARS INSTEAD OF BROADCASTING MY MUSIC FOR EVERYONE IN THE AREA BECAUSE I KNOW NO ONE BUT ME WANTS TO LISTEN TO MANOWAR.
  23. Fuck yeah! *upvote* I saw them back in February. They're close to winding down the tour, right?
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