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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I don't know why anyone would care to have numb and tingly gums, but ok. ;D I mean, obviously unless you're at the dentist or have some kind of mouth injury or something.
  2. For more coke, amirite?
  3. I didn't like the tamarind Jarritos at all when I tried it. ;D
  4. I ain't complaining. I have no idea who she is, but she is hot.
  5. Extremely informative post coupled with an amusing anecdote. Have an upvote!
  6. You misunderstood, IF I were to try a recreational drug, it would definitely be pot, not cocaine. But I don't plan on using pot either. There's got to be low dosage edibles though, right? I don't want to smoke!
  7. I've heard of freebasing but I have no idea what it is. >_>
  8. Especially since the actual greeny has registered since I posted that. ;D
  9. I've done pretty much nothing noteworthy since 2011. I've taken many college courses, but no degrees, certificates, etc since 2008. No clubs, no volunteering, no research.
  10. Ok, I guess I'll ditch the cover letter. I'm not sure what you mean by how the staff handle themselves.
  11. Dude, when I briefly lived in an apartment by myself, I wanted to get a cat, but I didn't for EXACTLY this reason. What if it goes to the bathroom on all my guitar gear?? Now I'm back with my parents, and we have an outdoor cat. I really wish my parents would try to make her an indoor cat so I could hang out with her more. :'(
  12. Content Warning: NSFW
  13. I still refer to her as firefly. >_>
  14. Stab them in the hands... So they ca't play their instruments. ;D
  15. Metallica played here in 2003 and and Heaven and Hell in 2007. Other than that, I generally have to travel a few hours to the bay area for rock/metal concerts. We get a lot of country stars too, lol.
  16. I don't know why I was thinking about cocaine the other day, but I was. Now, I'm not the type to do drugs. I've been paying so little attention to the props that were just voted on in my state, but I think pot is legal here now. I still don't plan on using it. Ever. However, if I were to try it, fuck smoking it. I'd rather try an edible. That said, with cocaine, fuck snorting it. I'd rather smoke it. I guess a lot today's drug addicts feel the same way. Though please understand there is no way I'm ever trying cocaine. Before there was crack, everyone and their mother in certain industries was snorting cocaine like 24/7. I don't understand how anyone could snort anything up their nose, regardless of what it is. I've had really bad allergies all my life, and I could just imagine snorting powder would only exacerbate that. If crack didn't exist, I'd rather try literally any other drug under the sun before cocaine. Or, you know, no drugs at all. That would be fine too. And in old TV shows and movies (or current shows/movies set in the 70s/80s) characters often put a little cocaine on their teeth. Does that get one high too? Why wouldn't everyone do that instead of snorting it? Snorting it up your nose just seems like the absolute dumbest way to possibly get any substance of any kind into your body. Could you not eat the powder? Mix it into a drink? I think the inventor of crack thought along similar lines. Like "There's got to be some way I can take cocaine without flaring up my damn allergies." Voila, crack was invented.
  17. If you call me greeny I'm gonna call you ghostrek.
  18. I'm pretty sure the holiday ranks come with their own colors.
  19. Let's see if Luuv gave the Gentries like myself a holiday rank yet. EDIT: Nope.
  20. WYLD STALLYONS! *air guitar*
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