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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Does that mean she has the powers to eat those as much as she wants and not get fat, diabetes, or cavities? Because I want those powers.
  2. The boards seem to think I have done all of my posting today. Before writing this post it said this in my profile: "Posts: 245 (245 a day)"
  3. Thanks for the input regarding the gaps. I found out about the position by a help wanted sign on their door. The sign said to leave a resume. I've left resumes with this store more than a few times in the past, including when they have had Help Wanted signs on their door. I've never gotten a callback. This would be my first time leaving a cover letter with the resume, with my intention in the cover letter is to let the store (a music store--the kind that sells CDs and records, not instruments) know that I have an extensive knowledge of music that would be an asset to them, which is not reflected in my resume as I've never worked in the music or retail industries. I also want to let them know I would be excited to work there, as I patron their store all the time. And again, this a music store, not walmart or target. I shop there because I have a passion for music and I love shopping at their store, not because I see shopping there as a "necessary evil", such as with a Walmart or Target or what have you. This is also not reflected in my resume. Please let me know if you still think its a good idea to dump the cover letter. Any help is appreciated!
  4. I am writing a resume and cover letter to apply for a cashier or customer service job at a retail store. I have large gaps in my resume. So I want to address that in the resume, but I don't know if that's a good idea. So I am asking you UEers what you think. Basically, this is the combination of work and education timeline: 2002 - 2007: College 2006 - 2007: Work 2007 - 2008: College 2010 - 2011: work That covers all my college degrees/certificates and jobs. Obviously, that is a lot of gaps, especially from 2011 to the present. So here is what I want to put at the end of my resume. A section with the heading "Gaps in my Experience": "Due to my frequent changing of desire of what I want to to do with my life, I have done many college classes over the years not mentioned above; for a while I was a psychology grad student, and realized that was not the field for me. Other times I have taken many college courses purely for the knowledge, rather than for a degree or certification, as I am currently doing in 2016." So what do you guys think? Is it ok to include this section in my resume? Should I put it in my cover letter instead? Is it even ok to address it at all in either document?
  5. I'm thinking you may be thinking about Super Mario Bros. 3. That's where the entirety of World 7 was based on pipes. I was talking about the original Super Mario Bros.
  6. <-- Mine's not working yet. Wow, it has a scroll bar. That's different.
  7. Off topic, but jesus christ mthor, why do you have an Albert Fish quote in your sig?
  8. I agree. I want people to know why I upped their karma, and why someone else would've upped my own.
  9. I thought he was still modding there just to spoil the fun of the other users. I mean, why would anyone at AS care at this point?
  10. I like boobs as much as the next guy, but pickle boobs don't sound very pleasant.
  11. Was that you or KN who did the i'm fappin thing?
  12. YES WE DO! But seriously, thank's K_N. 8)
  13. Placing all bets: When will the ASMB staging boards finally be killed? I tried to logon tonight for the first time, and it wouldn't let me. lol
  14. I don't know man, compared to what really happened to Jarred, he'd be lucky if he just suffered what happened to him in South Park.
  15. I think I prefer to watch older episodes that I'm already familiar with from years ago to more recent ones I haven't seen yet.
  16. When Matt and Trey made the episode, they didn't realize the meaning of Jarred saying he wants to give all kids aides was going to change in the future. ;D
  17. If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.
  18. It's actually "I'm fappin'." Pretty sure it's not a coincidence. ;D
  19. I don't see how to do that either. :-\
  20. I'm a Citizen rank and I can't figure out how to edit. And luuv that is really stupid to make that a rank privilege. Please allow everyone to edit there posts, like every other forum in the entire history of ever. So I don't have to continuously make new posts just to correct old ones with typos/mistakes.
  21. Original thread: http://unevenedge.freeforums.net/thread/1301/most-cliche-lines-anime
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