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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Sometimes you want to eat a sandwich while doing the deed.
  2. Well, I was right in it making sex less pleasurable for the guy, at least. ;D
  3. Just like zeni is always talking about his Oklahoma City girls on the ASMB, I am now talking about my Kentucky duration spray. ;D
  4. I just gotta wonder what this stuff is and how it works... like, is the concept making sex less pleasurable for the guy so he lasts longer? Does the spray dry up the area of penetration so the guy is like, "Goddamn it, this is starting to chafe. I can't get off like this!"
  5. I'm amateur trumpet. Can I join your band? I want to turn pro too.
  6. Yeah, let's send diddly-squat into space. ;D
  7. Fuck you dude, Hunter Pence ru- Oh you mean that other guy. Yeah, sure.
  8. We should send Mike Lazzo into space for canceling Moral Orel at its peak.
  9. A jar of Mayo Magazine clippings of Scott Baio That song that starts with "Day-o"
  10. I've pretty much only eaten animals that literally ever other person in this country has eaten (cow, pig, chicken, turkey, fish)... So I think my answer would be chicken. Steak I get a lot of pleasure out of, but I think that is due mostly to how its cooked. Other types of beef can be mediocre. Chicken can be made or broke depended on how its cooked too, but Chicken without much seasoning/sauce/breading still tends to taste really good while steak without much of the above tends to taste too plain.
  11. A long time ago on the ASMB I had a Jigen icon for a while. I really liked Lupin III, and like Jigen, I had long hair, a goatee, and wore a hat all the time (I still look like that).
  12. I've never heard of those, but anyone who would serve that is automatically worse than ISIS.
  13. Or what about, "Objects in mirror are uglier than they appear"?
  14. Ah. Thank you for the clarification.
  15. So, so far we a have a couple main characters named Dio and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (lol). Are there any other characters in the series, main or not, with names taken from/inspired by real world rock n roll acts?
  16. ;D I don't necessarily believe what my avatar says (though I'm the one who made it), I just thought it would be a good way to add to the "But it was me, Dio!" meme with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure on Toonami. Personally I would put Ozzy era Sabbath and Dio era Sabbath on about equal footing.
  17. No, I get the dollar.
  18. Lick your butt for a dollar?
  19. Apparently clicking the like button on a post does not add to the clickee's karma. We need that fixed. EDIT: Oh its "total likes". I see.
  20. Fuck you. I'm going to have to quit this forum if you leave that bullshit on autoplay. Not joking. EDIT: Eh, muting the video seemed to do the trick.
  21. I don't, actually. What kind of stuff did he embed?
  22. DiGiorno's isn't anything special, but at least it doesn't give me diarrhea like Pizza Butt does every time I eat it.
  23. Happy birthday!
  24. Something about this that's confusing to me, is that in the anime folder, we had a thread that was asking "So is this where we post the porn?" Some of us posted hentai, and maybe the thread got way out of hand after I had last seen it, but the last I saw it, the worst that was posted were nipples. The thread ended up getting removed. I don't think any of us were banned for that thread, which I'm happy about, but I get the feeling I would be banned if I were to post hentai in more threads like that in the future. So it's like, is that kind of thread against the rules, or not? Would they only get removed without bannings, or if they continued to pop up, would bannings ensue? Also when I last saw it, we were all using spoiler boxes with content warnings.
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