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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. For me... James Gang - Funk #49 Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo War - The Cisco Kid KIss - God of Thunder Shinedown - Cut the Cord Kaleo - No Good
  2. I think I like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation more.
  3. And now that you're an adult, you'd look REALLY stupid. ;D
  4. That must've been funny to your family. ;D
  5. Did they put cake in a blender?
  6. Watched A Christmas Story, then went out and tried the tongue on the pole thing later. And how many of them got stuck?
  7. Then the poll is dumb because you should not start smoking again at all.
  8. I'm assuming this is pot, and not cigs?
  9. If you've done so much cocaine that you've built up a high tolerance, are you still a drug abuser?
  10. Yeah, because popping 30 kolonopins at once isn't abusing drugs or anything.
  11. Hendrix did Christmas music?
  12. Doesn't everyone use imgur now?
  13. The thread title reminds me of this South Park song:
  14. Maggie Simpson.
  15. I don't know the differences. Basically I want a bigger HD (and if either phone fixed the reminders app, because the app on my 5 is broken, no matter how many times I update iOS).
  16. Roland GR-55 Guitar Synthesizer and GK-3 pick-up installed My guitar to come back from Guitar Center fixed. A bunch of CDs. A newer iPhone with a much bigger HD
  18. I assumed Veles was Star_Wolf because before he was modded, I made an icon of one of the green faces on the board's background, and he said he might use it some time. And Veles used it for a while. And transgender rights were very important to both Star_Wolf and Veles.
  19. Conflicting statements in the article about her condition: "Her brother later told Associated Press she was in a stable condition." "A law enforcement official told NBC that her condition was "not good"."
  20. 0. I never really put myself in a position to get one.
  21. Want: Roland GR-55 Guitar Synthesizer https://www.roland.com/us/products/gr-55/ I already have the GR-33 guitar synthesizer, but I'd love to try out the 55 to see what they have improved technology wise, and if it has any cool sounds mine doesn't have.
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