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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. "The Flaming Marshmallows" would be a good name for a band.
  2. A&W Root Beer Zero Sugar is soooooooooooooooo good.
  3. I enjoy the whopper but their nuggets suck. McDonald's nuggets are way better.
  4. It's 109 night now... supposed to hit 112 tomorrow. x_x
  5. Have you tried an enema?
  6. Well one way you can interpret that is as a prophetic dream of something horrible about to happen, buuuuuuuut you can also interpret it as your anxiety over this new, unknown sitter manifesting itself in your dreams so it doesn't overwhelm you in waking life.
  7. I think we usually think of "groping" as an outside of the clothes thing, buuuuuuuuuuuut.... Holy fucking shit. No man anywhere at any point in time would ever do anything like this without a LOT of lust involved.
  8. GOOD NEWS EVERYONE I just noticed yesterday that Comedy Central is no longer squandering their rights to Futurama.... It appears that daily they air it from 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM. This is perfect for me.
  9. I wake up every 1-2 hours. Fucking sucks.
  10. I had things to say about Metalocalypse and banana stickers. But ok.
  11. What a fucking piece of shit.
  12. @blueraven1999 @The_annoying_one The only episode you need to watch for the purposes of this challenge is Season 1 Episode 7: PerformanceKlok.
  13. Happy birthday, Jackie Marie!
  14. I liked Eric Andre season five, before that I hated that whole show with a passion.
  15. Pretty sure what disco quoted was scoob saying that referring only to the submission and voting threads. Pretty sure you can post them anywhere else.
  16. For the record, and you probably already know this, but I was referring to 4H-babe, Sawdy, and whoever else.
  17. Remember when you guys advocated votes from people who don't even post here?
  18. As much as he repeated the same few schticks all the time, that would honestly make sense.
  19. Mountain Dew and its variations.
  20. Do you have grey in your hair? That's what happened to me when I was 36 and a cashier at a convenience store said he didn't need to see my ID when I was buying beer, because he saw the grey in my hair, lol.... before that, my entire life everyone, and I mean everyone, always thought I was way younger than I actually am, going back to when I was like 7 years old.
  21. You'd have to make the exterior of your house look like shit too. Peel some paint off, board up some windows, splatter mud all over it or something...
  22. Kind of ironic, as Trump running as an independent would probably be the absolute best thing for the GOP at this point.
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