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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. My uncle, who I got this meme from, fits every Trumpler stereotype to an absolute T, so almost everything he shares is complete shit. But I can't deny I like this one: No more "grandpas' guitars," as Skwisgar and Toki would say.
  2. I don't remember them blaming the fans for the 1/31/2007 incident.... The only thing I can recall AS blaming on the fans is losing lots of anime acquisitions and airtime due to low ratings.
  3. .....I guess I haven't had a full size Twix since before that ad campaign...
  4. The stupidest part of it, is due to the orientation of the logo, there is no way to discern between right Twix and Left Twix. Now if they went with Top Twix and Bottom Twix instead, that might actually make some sense.
  5. Republicans sure do have a weird definition of "invasion". Invasion to pretty much anyone: "Alright, we're taking over." Invasion to Republicans: "So, uh, can we have jobs?"
  6. How is Joe Biden a write-in instead of already on the ballet?
  7. Hello! Back then you were basically obsessed with the same anime I was obsessed with, lol. Just add FMA.
  8. "Porn in schools," huh? rofl.
  9. Logic told us it wouldn't happen in 2016 too, but still, there we were...
  10. Having diarrhea at school multiple times desensitized me to public shitting.
  11. Its funny about how much Republicans are demanding "WHAT ABOUT HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOP" and Democrats are just like "Who cares what Hunter Biden does? Someone give these idiots Hunter's laptop so they can yell about something else."
  12. Dude, grab a sword with your left hand, and a shield in your right...
  13. My iphone weather app keeps saying it's not going to rain, but it keeps raining. The app does predict rain for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Should I treat that as its going to be drier than a desert on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, or should I treat it as, if even the weather app has to admit its going to rain, then we must be heading for Hurricane Katrina Part II: West Coast Version?
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. I don't know what this is referring to, but I don't clean jack shit and it pisses me the fuck off when people piss all over the toilet seat. I hella gotta shit, but oh no, now I have to wipe up your piss first because you are a giant piece of shit. *using the Royal You (if that's a thing).
  16. His former name was Vince. But eons ago he legally changed his name to Alice Cooper.
  17. I know the story behind why his name is Alice. What I don't know is why they chose "Alice Cooper" as the name of their band.
  18. Before I opened the thread, I was going to reply, "You? pffft."
  19. You in Cali? Because 40 degrees is cold to me too, lol. I am really over Winter, Spring can't come soon enough.
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