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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I've always wondered how they enforce that....
  2. If Bill Watterson is ok with it, I am ok with it.
  3. I could be really gross here, but I won't.
  4. It got boring when everyone figured out that the little stabby hammer bots were always the ones to win. Then there was that guy that built the giant cool looking weird shit but always got his ass handed to him.
  5. You don't remember like 20 years ago all the teenage boys were in love with the singer?
  6. I don't think God is going to STOP THIS GODDAMN PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT FUCKING RAIN GODDAMN FUCKING BULLSHIT until it's literally spring, so I am looking forward to it. I've wanted to get my car washed for 3 motherfucking months but it can't go one goddamn motherfucking week without any goddamn mother fucking rain. ENOUGH OF THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT ALREADY.
  7. That puts Weird Al's Another One Rides the Bus in a new perspective.
  8. Considering the setting, is he saying he's tired of the moon and the Moonenites?
  9. I'm pretty sure "sharbus" is another term for diarrhea, but I can't figure out how the "bus" part factors in to this.
  10. I think Britney was like 16 when her debut album came out, so it unfortunately seems natural for her parents to want to take a chunk of her money for themselves. As for why to trust a manager... Unfortunately an artist at her level (and even down to much lower than her level) needs someone to oversee their finances, booking, etc because the artists themselves get too busy to do it themselves.
  11. Does your neurodivergence make you forget you made this exact same topic a day before you made this one?
  12. Neglecting stuff like murder and rape...... Major labels want to own their artists' souls. After learning what I have in taking music courses in college, no way in fucking hell would I ever sign to a major label. Indie label or DIY all the way. As for why do people keep signing to major labels.... they're the only ones that can promise any sort of fame. Young artists trying to chase their dreams of being rich and famous probably aren't thinking long term, even if they care at all. But I have to assume these are the artists that don't mind the label and producers interfering in every aspect of the creative and recording process. I don't know what Taylor Swift has done lately, but a few or so years ago there was a big hoopla about her making an album that contained little to no country, it was much more like modern pop music or something. Either the label heavily persuaded her to pursue that direction in order to be able to keep up the money and fame, or else they just completely strong-armed her through her contract. IMO any musician shouldn't actively seek to make music their day jobs anymore. Only the ones willing to sign away their souls are able to, but how many truly mainstream artists are there at any given time these days? Any other aspiring musician should resign themselves to making music as a side job or a hobby, and forget about making any money.
  13. Now if they took the serious Space Ghost angle and made it into an animated series and gave George Lowe the titular role... Wait, did George Lowe die?
  14. No one cared about Space Ghost before he was a goofball talkshow host. And no one will care about him when done being a goofball talkshow host.
  15. What's the Android FaceTime equivalent?
  16. I remember when all the fuss was about Kim Kardashian is actually ugly, she just get's heavily photoshopped on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, I was like wait, how do you use photoshop on video? And the resounding response was more or less, "It's pretty easy, dumbass."
  17. Or better yet her head photoshopped on top of the other girl's head.
  18. After being taken out to Red Lobster for the most romantic date imaginable.
  19. Feed Weed My Frankenstein.
  20. I remember when the hit from System of a Down's Toxicity was Chop Suey.
  21. Is this live War Pigs performed by Ozzy's solo band or by Black Sabbath?
  22. I'm constantly cold every fucking day.
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