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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. I did remember. Because the idea of her getting a tiny helpless monkey after such memorable things as pitching a tortoise into a pond seemed so horrifying that many people decided to pile into that particular thread to basically scream 'OMG NOOOOOOOO! POOR MONKEY!'
  2. Hey! Finger monkeys that you couldn't kill! :D You know you are going to need a couple of those little things at least. Finger monkeys are social and totally need a friend. There's your excuse to get two. ^
  3. Bake your own cake, butthead. I haz a mini cake pan that makes cupcake-sized skulls. I need to pick up a cake mix one of these days.
  4. Shave legs? Why? What did those little hairs ever do to you?
  5. IT'S A TRAP! [glow=red,2,300]d.b[/glow]
  6. Ok, that's officially like the first response you've made to anything that I found entertaining. Have a kudo.
  7. The Aflac duck has really fallen on hard times since they cut their commercial rotation down.
  8. 'Traps Monthly'
  9. Get your paintbrush then. We're going to turn a bra into something even more horrifying.
  10. Fatty nom-nom treat times? Cool Ranch Doritos with French onion dip. Otherwise, pieces of cheese, honeycomb, dry cereal, those cheap icee-pops.
  11. Column A and Column B pretty much. While Netflix's general acquisitions are not specifically targeted at everything and anything Toonami, there have been a lot of times where something that was being actively sought was then snagged by someone else. Considering how much is out there to chose from, after awhile coincidence doesn't really cut it. It's why so often now nothing gets said anymore about what is currently on the table - no point is saying that yes, [insert anime here] is almost here because someone else might just go after it just to sit on it. Think of SyFyllis and their 'Ani-Monday' acquisition - virtually the entire Manga Entertainment library. Which they then proceeded to waste completely until the licensing ran out.
  12. You could never pull that off with your baby face. You a lipstick lez.
  13. I have no doubt he'll be fine. He's got solid coding credentials going for him and 'mental' jobs are always going to be in demand somewhere. It's merely the psychological aspect of suddenly getting laid off that can leave lingering scars. I still get pissy in Januarys and I've been at this job for almost 12 years now. He'll do fine, he'll also have an entire weekend to rage and get drunk if necessary because arf it.
  14. Slow cooker. Invest in one. Seriously. It's like a mini buffet on your kitchen counter complete with warm happy food smells. I have two different recipes, one for beef stew and the other for chicken-in-the-pot, that each share a butt-ton of the same ingredients. On long fall and winter weekends, I'll make a bunch of one or the other depending on what the store had and freeze it. Just find some slow cooker recipes that you like and freeze extra for later to stretch your food budget.
  15. Told you.
  16. I've had to think about it in the past. There is nothing wrong with utilizing social programs in order to help you get back on your feet faster so you don't need those programs anymore. So if I absolutely had to, I probably would. And if I had a kid, I definitely would if only to ensure they eat. I know I'd apply to local animal shelters for kibble and litter handouts no question. Kids and pets rely on their 'parent' to keep them fed and warm. But the local Dollar Tree actually has a decent selection of food and I learned very early on how to live on very little food when I have to. Hell, in college my grocery bills in the summer were around $30 per month thanks to a Cheap Foods [sadly they've closed now] . There were even a few months where it was maybe $10 but I can't say I ate very well those particular months. -.-;
  17. I cast MAGIC MISSILE. Because I'm attacking the darkness!
  18. Why anyone would eat something that appears to literally burn ass hair as it escapes is beyond me. >
  19. Sallyeander Deodorant Stones? Yeah you still sweat with those things. But your pits don't have stink lines.
  20. Have you ever tried Nubian Heritage? They have all natural 24 hour deodorants [not anti-perspirant though] . They keep their scent and no chemical burns. I have 'Honey & Black Seed' and 'Indian Hemp & Haitian Vetiver' and tend to use them on my days off instead of the regular pitstick.
  21. EVERYTHING. ::spin::
  22. True. But when you are allergic to bees, staying the hell away from them and calling the exterminators when they start nesting in the walls takes first concern.
  23. Attended an underground gay wedding before it was legalized. And gave a dude a drag makeover from frat boy to disco diva for a charity event. He won.
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