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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. This is quickly turning into the weirdest out if shape middle aged boyband ever........I like it
  2. That doesn't narrow it down much The real trick is a douche with drums
  3. It's not hard...I got arrested at jury duty tho so I'm probably not the best person to take advice from.
  4. strangly reports have come in of a lot more depressed people working at those 2 jobs tho
  5. you know the answer to that!! we love you azlar
  6. Now we can finnaly make that garage band!! now all we need is musical talent
  7. a bitch? a skank? a hoe? a douche cannoe? a lieing ahole? ten ponds of crazy in a 1 pound sack? a few fries short of happy meal? what shall i call you exactly?
  8. its over 9000!!! but only by 1 that was for MaDick.
  9. real question is. Are you down with oop?
  10. just get a support bra
  11. It's Dale or gribble isn't it?
  12. Basic human decency
  13. his name was mario too
  14. ive learned your are itlian so its Mario
  15. exactly. thank you
  16. Xanatos


    Is to short so love the one ya got cause you might get run over or ya might get shot.
  17. Gaylord? Albert? Joseph?
  18. I come when I'm bored enough or rogue hassles me...it's a slow morning.
  19. Never gets old
  20. Dammit!! I said it first!!
  21. Oh look it's the man I stole my name from.
  22. Wtf? This looks like that crazy aunt we all forget we have and never invite to things.
  23. Tell Donald. Daisy's his problem.
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