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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. It's ok Your mom already apologized for having you. Real talk. This is why we need abortion to be legal folks.
  2. Dutch got shot in the end Justice for Arthur Morgan!! Screw John.
  3. Sounds like bullshit. I'd get someone you trust you look it over
  4. i see you know the Johnsons
  5. You have everything dick related dont you? lets see a dick city
  6. Its gonna cause a black hole
  7. I hope it comes complete with smegma
  8. Hello Satan...yea I found that guy your looking for.
  9. Wanna see my skin flute?
  10. Let's get spots near each other in hell. You sick mfer
  11. So that's when we had an Earthquake over here.....I've heard of the butterfly effect before but you just proved the fat ass effect. You owe china money now.
  12. Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Legit question are you trying to lie to yourself or us? Cause we ain't buying it.
  13. Tanks are cool tho
  14. Xanatos


    Didn't know who he was before all this. But anyone who declares themselves a male feminist is someone you can't trust.
  15. That you can get out of doing actual work in class if the teacher shows his video instead. Win win
  16. Quick what's the number and cv? I'll stop them
  17. Lol really that's how u wanna spin this? I said we knew about this year's ago..your one who started whining.
  18. PS..that was dissidea
  19. GameStop had preorders on kh3 in 2010. It wasn't a release date by se ever. Retailers hear about a products and they put a place holder date that can be moved. Ussaly December something of whatever year it is..it's not official it was just Amazon hearing stuff and hoping to get a head start. You can litterly look up the first official announcement on YouTube or something. It was like 2015 or 2016. The details of it bring split into more then one game came out right after.. So again...you got fooled..se didn't do it. Why you wait for official news.
  20. None of that is true..non of it. They never once announced it release or production till a few years ago. Ever. Just speculation by fans and other gullible people. I bet you still think you can res aerith too huh? Se said they were remaking it a few years ago and that's the first and only time they have. You one of the people who thought Advent children was gonna be a remake or something back in the day?
  21. We drive scooters here like real men....and ladies....and kids....hell I'm shocked I haven't seen a dog yet.
  22. U said hard. I didn't even feel that!! False advertising!!
  23. Excuse me? That's Mr. Satan. He who saved us from cell!!!
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