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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. Sit down. Let me tell you bout the birds n the bees. They all get injected with the t virus and umbrella Corp send that Mila however u say her last name name to murder em all. Go watch zombieland!!!
  2. And? Didn't anyone tell you were zombies come from?
  3. Can't get a hangover if you never get sober.
  4. Definitely not they guy hiding in your tree. Would it kill you to do something about all these birds?
  5. I'm the guy who's name your mom was screaming last night.
  6. That's a car thief....there's a difference. And bullets work at distance.
  7. Asmb leftovers now brought to you by bitch water. Can't we at least get something that you can get drunk on? Least a buzz? I may be an alcoholic.
  8. As a great man once said. And I qoute. "Move bitch!! Get out da way better get out da way!!" Truly inspirational words.
  9. They tell stories of ur massive wang here. Least I think it's about that..I dunno lotta people named wang here. I just assume it's about you.
  10. This is true...could work...unless their a company with a stick up their ass.
  11. I can notice stuff when your constantly throwing shit at me. Or swinging ur dick around..that thing scares me.
  12. But he went doing what he loved. This is why I'll die eating a McChicken.
  13. I dunno u.s. prices but 45 mile Uber can't be cheap.
  14. That's actually genius....you are the best of us.
  15. Your getting hosed. I get more of a travel allowance then that n my jobs litterly run by commies.
  16. So you planning to steal a car? Don't do it. Jails to pretty for you.
  17. Fuck em. Go use the gym Grab some bananas from the breakfast thingy first. Anyone gives you dirty looks toss that bitch.
  18. its 2019....why is bush still a thing?
  19. we both know i call you the mr fixit in the bedroom...fix the crying wall!!!
  20. sandy does it classy like.
  21. daddy is not you first name
  22. could you be more of a tramp?
  23. Why do you use this place like your diary? Start a blog or something if people care they'll go there....most of us give all of zero fucks. Your just a +1 to the post count.
  24. Says the definition of a bitch in heat.
  25. I'd rather die.
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