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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. I didn't think a Toonami promo could get me to watch Attack on Titan again, but man... that was an impressive effort, especially since I'm sure they don't have much to work with. The burning aesthetic is great, and Howard Parker isn't that bad for the announcing.
  2. Reeeeeeeeeee. Tonight's schedule should be fun, even without Tokyo Ghoul to make fun of. Though I still need to catch up on a bit of last week's schedule.
  3. Damnit, you took the thread from me. And I would have had it at Midnight if I weren't watching BanG Dream!. [solitary burping]
  4. Birdy the Mighty: Decode #10 Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- #17
  5. Well, I guess it's from Hyouka. Another license rescue on the way, almost certainly.
  6. Media Blasters barely had any presence on [asa] to begin with. I assume they were involved with their airing of Moribito at some point, but that was all.
  7. Birdy the Mighty: Decode | Cipher 9... ~The Champion of Justice~ [our heaven will be now]
  8. And RanIsla worshiping it to the point of annoyance.
  9. Love Live! Sunshine!! PV (HAPPY PARTY TRAIN) Kemono Friends #6 [victory through sheer kindness]
  10. Seemingly every anime company active today has had a time when they hyped up Toonami's worth. Even Aniplex and Sentai had two shows each on the block at one point, though their relative size means it'd be hard for them to ever have a majority. I find the dynamic to be fun because it makes sure you never hear the same voice actors among the shows.
  11. Uh... okay. Let's just see if it has enough action for the block first. ::]::
  12. I'm actually betting on IBO Season 2 being exclusive to FunimationNow... or maybe Crunchyroll, since that's where the Unicorn dub originally premiered.
  13. I guess the major media outlets aren't using anything from beyond the first episode from whatever reason. I noticed that pattern with Rick & Morty also, when its second season was new. The reviews on The A.V. Club used generic stills that were almost never from the actual episode, and neither were they on the television ratings outlets.
  14. On the contrary, I love that Ben was wrong about Jack tanking even harder than Hellsing after a week off. >
  15. Holy hot fuck, I'd love that. Even though I think it's probable that they temporarily expand a slot and run the show from 11-4, I would really appreciate the stunt. Especially given that [as] never does marathons outside of Toonami, some April Fools' schedules (like the most recent one), and very rare occurrences such as in 2013 when they ran nothing but Childrens Hopsital for a whole day. I'd love for Jack to break through that ceiling and enable more casual marathons.
  16. This fantasy you have created where the steam does what is most handy for the fans doesn't exist. Because, again: A pop-up Rick & Morty stream of the new episode for April Fools' Day got 130K viewers and a marathon of the whole show online this past weekend flirted with 10K. And I'm sure most of their weekly streaming shows get more viewers than this stream. So why bother? Also, in the unaired episode, Mira apparently visits a bathhouse. So probably don't watch it. ::]::
  17. Where'd you see the premiere ad after the fact?
  18. So I rewatched the first three episodes of the new season to get pumped for new Samurai Jack tonight, since there was a break in the action last week. As expected, they were awesome. I just love how clean this show's animation is. It utilizes no CGI whatsoever except for tracking shots and places where they need to show perspective (like Jack flying over a deep forest). Heck, I don't think the third had any of it period. And while it didn't feel quite like a movie as Genndy said, I felt as if Jack's journey was progressing in real time, which is something that beautifully improves to binge watching.
  19. Blatch

    Dr. Stone

    So it's not just the latent gayness. On the other hand, it seems like most new Jump series get cancelled after a few issues, so I'm not holding my breath for this one to survive.
  20. Now let's just hope they're not accidentally rated as TV-14DLV.
  21. But four times six is twenty-four. S:
  22. The last thing I want from this show is... more discussion of flesh. But here we are. Get your ass to the door in time for 1:00 a.m. and a scrumptious course of cannibalism along with the wonder that Love Live! is no longer listed on Mnet America's schedule. It's all fun, but not for Kaneki, or anyone else who thought these programs would make a comeback. As always, no flaming nor petty insults.
  23. The closest theater to me showing it is over 20 miles away. I could nag my mom to take me out there (regardless of what she might want to do), but... eh, I'm not sure. And I've already gone to the movies on each of the past two weeks. A third in a row (or third in four weeks) would feel like overkill.
  24. I have that show on DVD and have watched the first four episodes. I thought about rating it on several occasions, but regardless, it's definitely a nice show, and the tank battles are nicely done. As for MTM, I recorded the first half-hour of the (first) April Fool's stunt, so I should get around to that some time. Birdy the Mighty: Decode #9 [long live the memory]
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