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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Al didn't even put Emo Candace in the OP.
  2. I actually thought they were going to fuck it up by just playing the previous week's lineup stream, with the Gundam IBO episode not updated. Really, they don't put any effort into this because they know almost everyone catching up is going to watch it instantaneously through their cable service or online. All that's left are the diehard fans and the people who don't live in America and are only watching Toonami through this thing. And they're not cared for because it's their fault to play a fatalistic game.
  3. Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Batmantis" The two Catwomen got more exposure than Adam and attempts to hawk his book, but this felt like a good tribute all the same. And it's always been one of my favorite episodes from the early era of Space Ghost. ["godspeed", said the yeti]
  4. Kenka Bancho Otome -Girl Beats Boys- #5 and #6 Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 #2 Princess Princess #7
  5. Mooching off the OP. S: Still, I guess it sums up the episode better than I did.
  6. I might have already mentioned this, but https://time.is/ is the site I use to get posts in exactly on the double zero. Double zero... RE:... man, I wish Re:ZERO was replacing this show, or at least another one in Toonami's near future. But either way, enjoy the finale.
  7. Blatch

    Pepsi Fire?

    It's basically Pepsi with added cinnamon flavor (kinda like Mr. Pibb), but underwhelming. I'm not crazy for it.
  8. The most logical place to drop DB Super in the short term would be after Episode 26, when the movie arcs are done. But then people would start complaining that we never got the TV-exclusive material. ::]::
  9. I guess not. It's a big reason why that place gained the reputation of being a wretched hive (along with this one, at least in my opinion) and I guess the mods haven't ever minded it.
  10. Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 | Cipher 1... ~After All~
  11. Much like David Bowie, it was the only thing preventing systematic destruction.
  12. I don't think DB Super is going to air at 11:00P if only because it never did great holding onto ratings from Samurai Jack S5 or even Family Guy before it. Not to mention, it would be airing at the same time as the 8:00 rerun on the west coast. I assume only if they remove that one, it would be plausible. On the other hand, I'd love to see a schedule with no Dragon Ball at all for the first time since the Fall 2014 lineup (GOAT), but that's not likely. But removing one of them (probably Super) for a hot shit anime like Re:ZERO would almost instantaneously reinvigorate my interest in the block.
  13. You know, I would be all for DB Super airing at a later timeslot, possibly even 12:30 or beyond. If it's not doing well enough when the usual crowd comes in, why not try it later so it has the opportunity to attract a different audience?
  14. Do you even realize how small the chances are of it being on one of the Turner networks?
  15. Who said I was being negative about it? Well, mostly the first part.
  16. It's a really stupid version of bread and circuses. Meanwhile, DeMarco himself has broken free of it and now wants a violent revolution within the Democratic Party. And judging by the fact that we've spent several pages panicking when there's virtually no reason to do so unless the man in charge tells us so, it's not going to end.
  17. Wow, that's total poop. It also makes me glad I'm not a person who cares about the ratings anymore. :poop:
  18. Princess Princess #6 (rewatch) High School of the Dead #9 WorldEnd: What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us? #1 [soft summer mover distance mine]
  19. I don't know... maybe to punish the hardcore Toonami viewers who are the only ones watching the stream? Like, why are they not watching a new show on Crunchyroll right now.
  20. LOL, not even close. Amazon would probably make a move to buy VRV if they could. That stupid group of nihilists knows no bounds.
  21. I haven't really bothered with non-Toonami AS for the entire year outside of [both] April Fool's stunts. The Million Dollar Extreme incident along with choice real life events have really soured me on their recent programming. Oh... well, there was the "classic hour" on Sundays with Brak, Space Ghost, and the like. I watched that for a while, mostly as a way to finally experience these shows. And I watched every episode of SGC2C over a couple of months, but most of those were on DVD or streaming.
  22. You know, people say that the listed OP is the best part of the show, but I don't really like it. It is better than Parasyte's by virtue of not exploding my ears, but other than that, no dice. What I like this show for is all the insane people in it, including their version of Clark from Squid Girl.
  23. So Toonami has gotten to those reveals... how fun, if the audience hasn't already been spoiled on them. Which is admittedly pretty likely. I feel like I have to tune into this one, and watch it coherently.
  24. Oh my gosh, the logo is too big for your post. ::spin::
  25. Fucking hilarious. And not enough people watch the stream for them to fix it, so it'll say that way. :fap:
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