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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. why did owlchemist not get this one right away he didn't even LIKE it What is going on? You have the show in your avatar and have been hyping it up more than anyone else on these boards, but when midnight arrives, you pass over making a thread for fucking GUNDAM. I don't get it. But yeah, enjoy the more Sasha-centric episode.
  2. Yeah, I think it was a genuine error. And getting the first season of this show which they haven't had for years is kind of a big deal, so I'm sure you would have heard something from Toonami, DeMarco, or Sentai about it if this was the case. And they wouldn't just randomly plop it on the online stream those tech dudes dedicate almost zero thought to. Come on now.
  3. I'm a fan of having Toonami air on Friday and Saturday. It'd be more extreme to implement than a split shift, but I'm sure they could make it work. Basically, Shonen Jump favorites on Friday, and the more adult and artsy-fartsy stuff on Saturday, so those picky eaters have an easier time watching the shows they like. Here's how I'd program it with the current lineup:
  4. I really don't get airing it midway through the hour. Aside from being a fitting tribute to "Turner Time", you either DVR it or have a show you're watching get cut-off midway through the hour. Not to mention, [as] doesn't typically do this. [500th post]
  5. Birdy the Mighty: Decode #11 Kemono Friends #7 [hearing your wonderous stories]
  6. Birdy the Mighty: Decode | Cipher 10... ~You're the One~
  7. Yeah, I didn't even get a message from CloudFlare. S:
  8. Uh... what? I saw The Big "O" back up this morning, but I just assumed the previous Toonami block stream was a fluke and now they're back to normal. But it's on Season 2 now? What's the deal. Did they actually not get the go-ahead from Sentai to stream the first season?
  9. So I guess the hot new opinion is that Toei, like Black Dynamite before it, ruins everything. Not bad. :poop:
  10. So apparently the stream is no longer airing marathons. It'll just be the Toonami block from a few weeks ago all the time. Man, am I glad to not be disappointed... even if this was the the first useful application of it in a while. But who cares. :fap:
  11. So it's past noon on the east coast and the marathon stream is still playing the catch-up lineup from this weekend. Perhaps this has to do with the stream being down for an hour or two this morning, or it could just be that sense of crippling laziness from the people who run the stream. But at least you have another opportunity to catch up on Jack. That was a great episode.
  12. Basically. And there are shows that date back to before the Funiroll deal that might be in the pipeline. One title I guess we can consider as a benchmark is Kantai Collection: Winter 2015 simulcast, but it only just got announced by Funi last month and is coming out on home video in June. That's a gap of almost two-and-a-half years. So by that logic, we can expect news on Re:ZERO by... probably the middle of next year, at least.
  13. You had lots of time (as in, more than two minutes) to prepare a post. Why bother with the lack of effort? -_'
  14. I feel I'd do it justice by following up my initial thread by taking away from someone who wants it more, but might not do as good of a job. But rest be assured, because I am excited for this show again. There are Titans in the walls, everyone is going to fight them, and apparently the actual Titans walk more creepily in this season. This episode will apparently introduce a new kind of Titan was well as... well, continue the general adventures of Eren and friends. I'm hoping the reduced episode count results in a crispier pace and less overall ennui. See you all at 12:30.
  15. Yeah... they might want to do topicals for AoT, but I bet it's going to depend on whether or not Funi can give them dubbed audio on an expedited schedule.
  16. The viewers don't state which show is the best by their quantity. Heck, this would imply that Dimension W is a better show than both halves of JoJo's. But I do appreciate you bumping my thread... a little bit. Even if it doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things.
  17. I just want to thank Gman for being a conscientious objector to the forums wars, because who knows how many pages of insults we'd be buried in by now.
  18. You didn't have to tell us this again. And why did you like it?
  19. Well that's understandable, I guess. Though if you were to have a subscription to any streaming service (Hulu, Netflix, Crunchyroll), I'd rather take advantage of that and watch a new show. I just like to know the thought processes of people I meet, and yours edges you towards die-hard Toonami fandom. -_'
  20. Why are you seriously so addicted to Toonami that you'll watch the block a second time in twenty-four hours and meticulously comment on it with screenshots.
  21. Well, this one contains many dramatic scenes, including ones which require screaming from the actors. And some of them can go on for a while, which you'd understand if you had watched the actual show. It would be a lot of work for all involved. Also, good luck replicating Betelgeuse's Japanese performance.
  22. BanG Dream! #10 to #12 Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- #18 (oh boy)
  23. For that matter, it hasn't even been licensed yet. And I don't know why. And it's not bound to any culture. I'd think it'd be hard to localize because... well, the Japanese VAs do an amazing job in it, and maybe they'd be reluctant to dub a show where it might not live up to the original voice track.
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