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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Get out of here with your facts and reason.
  2. Thanks for all this information I didn't need. -_'
  3. What? Does nobody have a sense of humor in here. It's odd since Jman would be the most likely to respect such a meme.
  4. You can say "fuck" on this board. It's totally understandable.
  5. A general power outage. I did mention that in the original post.
  6. Hmm. Okay then. If this is true, HxH moving to 2:00 sucks, but I get why they're doing it, since it's the move of least #Resistance. And everything else seems alright... but maybe not Tokyo Ghoul for some. This will certainly be a new dub, so I'm sure it counts for the first three episodes.
  7. Wow... that's a nice choice, Poke. I watched The Nice Guys some months ago when it was fresh in the Redbox and I also quite enjoyed it. Okay, so here's my contribution to the thread... Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'. Though I didn't actually watch it until today, I bought it from Best Buy using a gift card back on the second day of the year, along with a Mello Yello which was drank long before. But I liked the soda and the movie. It was certainly more action-packed and "serious", though still managing to fit quite a bit of comedy in. And the fights blended CGI and traditional animation in a pretty good way; I just wish the former didn't take up a majority of the runtime. A lot of stuff in it seemed to just happen without prior explanation. At the start with Pilaf's crew (for their only appearance in the film, which I found surprising) basically giving Sorbet and the other Frieza minions a straight shot to the Dragon Balls, they were introduced to each other so abruptly I thought there was a scene missing. Also, I could have used at least a little bit of prior knowledge as to when Goku and Vegeta attained Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan forms (and regular SSG for the latter). Overall, I rate the film a 7.5/10, or a stars outta 4 in traditional movie critic jargon. And it's really hard for me to think of if I like this one or Battle of Gods better, since they both compliment each other excellently.
  8. So, if you're looking for the numbers for the new Samurai Jack episode... well, you might be waiting a bit longer than usual. Apparently, there was a power outage at the place where they collect the data, and they need time to fire it up before they can actually get the hard numbers. The numbers for Saturday and Sunday on the networks haven't come in yet, so I assume the cable ratings won't come in until after those are done. How awkward is it happens now of all weeks? Either way, I'm sure you'll live.
  9. Heh... "Shit-D". I might have to use that version of it someday. Also, did you notice that SAO II is on the Marathon stream for probably the last time right now?
  10. Did they have the HD-ified version of GiTS this time?
  11. That was a nice set of posts, Sketch. I think it was primarily because Saobody and the chain of arcs that connects to it as a whole would have lasted for three years on the typical Toonami schedule, and there's no way [as] would have approved the show mooching on there for that long. And in regards to the ratings, they've faltered, but not too much outside of coordination with the rest of the block. So this could be a case of Toei or maybe even Funimation in the front wanting more money than they were willing to pay for a sustained block of episodes that might go even lower over time.
  12. Kemono Friends #2 And if my last comment sailed right by you, let it be known that the moment has finally arrived... ladies and mentlegen, Re:ZERO #13: ...and here's a redone version of screenshot 3B for those from the ASMB who missed it the first time: [Felt was so innocent back then]
  13. Considering the addition of some longtime ASMB users to Unevenedge this week, as well as the general fervor regarding a particular classic show, I think I'll go back to the past myself in the only way I know how: By ranking my favorite shows of the week! Drumroll please... [*]Samurai Jack: An utterly epic return to form for one of the all-time great American action cartoons. This episode pretty much affirmed what I thought the new season would be like: There are some more adult themes (like evil prostitution) and they can show blood now, but other than that it's the same Jack we came to know and love. And goddamnit, the visuals, cinematography, and general show composition were all-around great. And I mostly love all the new weapons Jack has to kill the bad guys with. I can't wait for the next episode where he whips out a fucking machine gun and goes all ham on those evil lady warriors. [*]JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: A pretty good episode with some top notch fighting techniques. Also, the Narrator felt extra smarmy in this one, almost making him feel like a character all his own. I wasn't really sad about Caesar's death, but I heard some people say it was too over the top to be effective. But I don't usually cry at TV shows, so I have no opinion on that. [*]Ghost in the Shell: I didn't have to watch the last episode to follow the story for this one, which is always nice. A good one overall with great animation, brutal salaryman fisticuffs, and invisible Tachikomas. And one thing I find interesting about the Laughing Man plot is that parts of it resemble today's fake news. I mean, there's this baseless message about how an important dude will be assassinated, and yet people see it, decide Pizzagate-style that it's somehow a good idea, and end up turning it into real life. Not a bad prescient message for a medium tailor-made to be escapist entertainment. [*]One Piece: Its penultimate episode of the Toonami Swim run was decent. Like GiTS, I got acquainted to the story pretty quickly despite skipping last week's affair... though I feel like this was just an excuse to have the Straw Hats do awesome shit and occasionally show pretty rainbows. [*]Hunter x Hunter: I feel like a lot of this show is having the canon material be like filler in other shows. This episode felt like it especially. Aside from Leorio returning, we got a dull but rather amusing subplot of Gon arm-wrestling people for money. Sadly, I zoned out of this one within the last five minutes (because I was thinking about the anime listed down below) so I didn't catch Melody's monologue. But I did hear that she apparently knows an evil song... so I guess it wasn't just one fellow shonen which ripped this one off, because Fairy Tail used it as a plot device. [*]Gundam Unicorn: Great fighting and animation in the first five minutes, but the rest of it lost me. All I remember is that the girl was apparently in an evil simulation. [*]Dragon Ball Z Kai: Meh. Just meh. [*]Dragon Ball Super: Not good at all. This BoG-copy opening arc has been going horrendously slow, with only minor moments of fun. But it's what I own the Blu-ray of that movie for. Instead of watching Naruto: Shippuden, I tuned in to Kemono Friends, the anime which has somehow taken up the mantle Yuri!!! On ICE had of being Japan's most talked about anime. After two episodes, I think I know why that is... but it ain't for any unique reasons. Basically, it's after the apocalypse with animal girls, and Serval is very cute. Moving on. And for a stray observation, did anyone notice that the Bob Eubanks anti-tax commercial aired at the same spot of every hour, at around :29 of the hour, even coming after Samurai Jack? It would often be followed by a Gerber Life commercial. One can only wonder how high the advertising rates they paid for were.
  14. Funny you should mention that... my family got a DVR just this week and I used it to record yesterday's episode of GiTS. I'm saving the copy of it on there for an indefinite period of time; maybe I could upload it to MySpleen if somebody wants an HD version of the show without audio issues.
  15. The "One Piece should be more popular" thing is something I don't really understand. I get that people love a series and want to see it go that way, but what is their endgame? So the show becomes popular and people love it, but then what? There are so many works of pop culture that have become well respected within the mainstream, so you can always rally around one that becomes that way. It's a nihilistic end goal, that's what I'm saying. And while I have no problem with one doing it, don't utilize trolling to see your vision become a reality.
  16. Good jorb on that one, Poke. ::spin:: I've only gotten by on watching the first eight episodes through [as] proper, but I hope to be just as pumped for the new ones.
  17. Birdy the Mighty: Decode #5 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: E3 2006 Interviews BanG Dream! #8 [but will Subaru dance for a dollar?]
  18. I can neither confirm nor deny that statement. ::]::
  19. For what it's worth, OP itself managed to last for two years (well, with some moments at 2:00) down there.
  20. I mean, now that One Piece is leaving Toonami, he basically has no reason to keep posting on these boards. His mission has been completed, and it was done in relative style.
  21. Yeah... but we still have new Samurai Jack and two new seasons of FLCL on the way, which should cover us until at least the middle of next year. And there might be even more new Toonami projects in the pipeline for later on. Not to mention, when did you ever get the idea that Shippuden was "on the chopping block"?
  22. It's pretty unfortunate that the new season of Samurai Jack airing tonight has been dethroned by our collective sadness (except for Jman's) of One Piece leaving.
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