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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. It's in many shampoos as well.
  2. This is one of the dumbest memes to come out in a while.
  3. Honestly, I didn't care for Darling in the Franxx that much. I don't like that many mecha shows to start with but I just felt like the show was pretentious for what it was doing. It's one of those animes that kind of checks all the right boxes visually and thematically but falls short of actual story and plot. I would say it's like the SAO of mecha, but that is just my personal opinion.
  4. @ben0119 All I can say without spoiling is that many of those questions will actually be answered in season 3, since Toonami is on the first half of season 2 that should give you an idea. There is one thing to point out though, in season 1 it is mentioned how Momo's power actually works. She can convert the lipids she has stored in her body into objects, similar to the sugar guy who gets stronger the more glucose he ingests. So obviously there is a limit to how much she can create in terms of amount, and obviously exhaustion. But there is no real limit on what she can create -which I think is a really strong ability and probably in the top 3 in terms of versatility in her class. The problem I see it is the more complex a quirk is the worse the person will be at being a hero early on as these seem to require much more practice and forethought. Certainly more than say shooting explosions out of your hands. That said, the girls in this show are much more effective on average than those in a lot of other shonens (I'm looking at you Naruto and Bleach).
  5. The MC's personality reminds me very much of Gon from HxH (early in the story). He's very naive I think, and I think this may cause him issues later on -this can be a strong story device if utilized correctly. I have a feeling Alma will be a recurring character still but will not reappear til a later story arc. I somehow doubt she is a throwaway character there seems to be too much background and forethought put into her for that to be the case. I like "alternate" personality of the orange haired girl, and the fact her magical focus changes when it switches. Her mentor figure I'm not so crazy about. I want to know more about the Inquisition and how exactly they can rival/hunt sorcerers if they can not use magic. Is there perhaps some secondary type of power that the religious figures possess in this universe that rivals "Fantasia" which I am assuming is like the source of the magic in this story? You can always tell a story has promise when you are 3 episodes in and already have more questions than answers. Whether or not this will end up being a fan favorite will probably rely on a combination of decent pacing, character development that makes you emotionally invest in a character (like with Alma), and subversion of some shonen tropes.
  6. If you like Shonen manga/anime I highly recommend this show. It has exceeded expectations so far, and I have a feeling this one will eventually grow into an epic. Three episodes out so far, check it out. Pros thus far: MC is likable, though a bit cliche so far in motivations. It is handled well and there is a distinct personality that will leave an impression. This is worth mentioning, as lately there has been a run of very unlikable, or dumb MCs in shonen. Interesting character designs. Some of the character designs in this show remind me of D. Gray Man and Soul Eater in their overall uniqueness. World Building potential. The premise while somewhat trope filled, is set up in a world that is somewhat unique in several aspects. There is a kind of "punkesque" feel to the show so if you like things like airships, and well-structured magic systems this might be your thing. The premise of a world comprised almost entirely of floating sky islands I think has great potential as well. Backstories displayed so far are rather interesting particularly the MC's mentor/adoptive mother Alma, though it is unclear how much she will be involved in the main storyline going forward she definitely constitutes an interesting and emotionally compelling character. Art style - the animation is rather spectacular so far. This is to be expected considering it is produced by studio Lerche (of Assassination Classroom notoriety). Secondary tagline- It's an ADVENTURE anime. These are some of my favorites, especially those that involve an MC exploring out into a large sprawling world. There are too many action animes that are not real adventure animes these days imo. In that respect this story's premise is more akin to stories like One Piece or Hunter x Hunter as the motivation for the character is an exploration in search of some goal. Funimation has lined up a dub cast already, so there will be a simulcast soon that is only slightly behind the subbed anime. https://comicbook.com/anime/2018/10/28/radiant-anime-english-dub-cast-funimation/ https://myanimelist.net/anime/37202/Radiant The opening is pretty good as well.
  7. The girls will noticeably improve in effectiveness. Also keep in mind that the girls in 1A at least have quirks which are by and large not as strong as most of the boy's quirks, in terms of actual combat strength. The boys all have quirks that facilitate large AOE attacks, or extreme enhancements to physical performance. The girls you may notice (in 1A I mean) have quirks that tend to focus more on subversion and utility. What I think becomes apparent over the course of this anime is that those quirks can be just as effective but take more practice. Obviously, this makes sense as a quirk like Todoroki's is inherently more offensive over something like Uraraka's gravity manipulation, the later needs more cunning and planning to utilize to a consistent strong form of attack. There is one notable exception I think to the girl's quirks, and that is Momo. She has one of the strongest quirks imo, but it is also significantly harder to use effectively as well.
  8. I have been meaning to learn Japanese, it's a very beautiful sounding language imo. Though it is not the language that particularly does it for me, it is the emotional delivery of lines. I feel like the acting skills of many of the Japanese VAs are higher on average than those in the US, I'm not sure why. Maybe it is a lack of cultural awareness of normal Japanese speech, but I watch some Japanese live-action dramas as well and it sounds similar in alot of ways. I guess it comes down to getting a more "serious" intonation from many Japanese VAs. That said, I do watch dubs if I feel an anime is good enough to rewatch I typically will watch it a second time in dub format. I have found some dubs to be as good as the originals. The most recent example that comes to mind is MHA. I can't remember the last time I liked a seinen dub as much or more than a sub though. There are some which are notably worse by a large margin (imo), Fairy Tail comes to mind. I simply can not watch Fairy Tail in English the voice acting is terrible -on top of the material having questionable taste already, it is just too much. Soul Eater was the same way for me personally, I could not listen to it in English.
  9. Late happy bday.
  10. Well, at least she knows you are good for him.
  11. Well, technically most intoxicants originate as natural defense mechanisms of plants or animals. E.G. hallucinogenic toads. Manufactured substances like amphetamine-based drugs tend to be the exception.
  12. I don't have favorites from here. But if I had to choose all the ones where I was insulted for no significant reason.
  13. Was I not available to yell at you for that? Must have missed some messages. My phone has been acting strange, I need to do a factory reset.
  14. I second this, mostly because there aren't enough new cases for my favorite true crime podcasts to continue in perpetuity at this rate.
  15. Are you new here my child? If so you have nothing to fear because I can assure you there are at least a dozen people weirder than you on here already.
  16. Don't take it to heart, he pretends not to be aware of us all the time.
  17. You found one of the good ones.
  18. Jelly Jolts is the gayest phrase I've heard lately, including all the hamfisted lines from the beginning of all the gay porns I've watched lately, and my boyfriend saying "good morning snookums".
  19. So you openly admit to flashing people in public.
  20. Send Bobs and Vegana
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