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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Fresh Market is superior in quality and price to both of those two in OP.
  2. It's all the soy in the food.
  3. I'd pay you.
  4. No one cares what critiques you have of anime.
  5. Did a male lifeguard resuscitate you Zeni? Show me on the CPR dummy where they touched you.
  6. Because you deserved it.
  7. Hush peasant.
  8. Is this a question?
  9. Sandstone


  10. I'm glad to hear that. Mob Psycho season 2 is amazing btw, you'd probably enjoy that.
  11. But you hate that Kirishima is not gay in the manga. I'm not trying to harp on you really, I'm just like I wish people could enjoy things instead of being overly critical sometimes.
  12. You should let yourself enjoy things more often.
  13. Anniversaries are nice.
  14. I'd eat there sounds delicious.
  15. Beautiful? I know.
  16. Bro there is more to anime than gay shit.
  17. Kaguya-sama has been great too. There are multiple AAA animes this season.
  18. That's exactly what a Russian Infiltrator would say.
  19. Look in the mirror, whore.
  20. God I wish.
  21. Funny I fapped to the part where the alien was tearing the guy's chest open.
  22. Don't let this Russian Troll Bot deceive you man.
  23. He's a Russian Bot, duh.
  24. Do you regret it or just looking back with nostalgia? I'm assuming you're paid much more now.
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