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Everything posted by Opium

  1. You're certainly right on the money about the boredom part. Not quite convinced of the rest, but it's all good.
  2. This reads like an incoherent cumshot
  3. Yeah, but I don't post consistently enough to go full nelly. It'll probably be changed/opened before I hit that 500.
  4. The first part was a genuine question. The second was my frustration in knowing I'll never actually get to see it myself.
  5. I've been too stressed to read. I have a math disability so I need to maintain my comprehension of the written word.
  6. Does this place even get normal new people? How would anyone find it, let alone want to join it? The board itself is a dumpster fire. I don't need 500 posts to see that.
  7. Breathe, motherfucker. Every day is a new day and shit. A new beginning is the best ending, so fuck it, fucker. Go outside and read a book. Listen to a song that isn’t on the radio. Go volunteer. Smile at the homeless. Keep all your suits for the funerals.
  8. To enjoy the moment. Death is the end of the vacation.
  9. thx mix
  10. It's pee if you're doing it right
  11. Romantic piano interludes. Anal. Ryuichi Sakamoto. Japanese Literature that delves in Zen Buddhism. Yoga pants. Any film by Edward Yang. Red Dead Redemption 2. Getting tequila drunk.
  12. damn I take back my "thx," bnmjy.
  13. thx bnmjy
  14. 12/M&F/DQ
  15. I'm unemployed with no money. I suck guys off for Blizzards at Dairy Queen -- that's how I keep from dying out here. You can live a long time on M&M's, and combined with ice cream and the awesome power of an unspillable DQ swirl, I might just be able to last the summer. Otherwise I'll be looking for something steady once I get back from Austin. Until then, I'm gonna have some margaritas with chicken quesadillas under the sun.
  16. I don't have access to the Dumpster Fire folder. Basically telling a man wearing a helmet that he'll never be Super Saiyan.
  17. Pirated the whole season a month ago. Good show, though I definitely feel the first two or three episodes were the strongest in producing a sense of dread.
  18. Haven't posted music here in awhile. Been making lil jams inbetween work on a longer, different effort. Anyways, listen to my jammy. It's short, just for you and your time.
  19. Topic title made me think of a morphed version of The Thing except covered in pepperoni's and oozing cheese. Like a stuffed crust human.
  20. Only a pleb would look down on the mystification of ass huffing. You think the peace pipe actually existed? Nah dude they were huffing ass. It's existed in every culture since the beginning. Disregarding that is, frankly, a show of anti-intellectualism and thus, THUS, a telling example of over-huff as it correlates to incoherence. Your punk band sounds like heavy metal.
  21. Bitch you gotta pucker up and suck a five gallon ton of ass gas and exhale with your face in the crack so the fumes can rise up to meet you in Valhalla. Shit's not a joint that you pass to Kevin the bass player in your shitty punk band playing second to Green Day at a kiddie bar.
  22. Nah, I stay away from swamp ass. I rode through New Orleans and I've seen the crocodiles. I'm not simple when it comes to gunk butt. Huffing ass is super chill if you're an amateur. If you're huffing like a real man then you'd know it's a visceral whirlwind of guttural noises and thrashing at the crack. Pigs in a playpen of fuck.
  23. I didn't say anything was wrong with it. I love catching a whiff myself, but I know when to stop and when to draw and when too much leaves my brain too gush. I know what it can do to the mind. It confuses super chill with fucking idiot.
  24. Must be huffin too much ass. Starting to mess with your perceptions.
  25. He was a fucking idiot from what I recall.
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