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Everything posted by Opium

  1. I read that Season 2 is going to take place in the Japanese internment camps, they being haunted by a spirit.
  3. I feel like it’s an ego issue. I’m not a fan, myself, but that’s because — like Letterman — the dude is full of himself. I despise that trait because it exists in me as well, but they’re more successful and are more fully self-actualized. It’s petty bitterness, but fuck it, the thread asks for death and as no one is actually dying let’s disembowel all celebs.
  4. Nah, he’s a self-righteous douche.
  5. Donald Trump, James Woods, Tim Allen, David Letterman, Jay Leno, Ronda Rousey, The Black-Eyed Peas, any big name trap/rap artists though mostly the female ones because of the grating vocal pitch. This is my Battle Royale and none are allowed to leave the island ever.
  6. I suppose I should fill out that wiki myself. I’m just glad you didn’t find any super spoilers, like Mumbo using an illusion spell to hide their penis during a romantic tryst with a high priest. It’s even hotter once you find out they’re related.
  7. You think I deal in spoilers? If you must know, it’s the name of a transwoman in Season 2. She mumbles curses under her breath and thus was given the nickname Mumbo by a coven of witches that feature throughout the series.
  8. Nah, he got it from an anime
  9. I’m actually on the potty taking a nasty shit. I regret eating that ziti.
  10. That dude fights for me in Yakuza 6.
  11. Fuckin mumbo jumbo is more like it, amiright fellas?
  12. I worry I only dream of being a Boss Adult, so far disconnected from my old Boss Baby self that I no longer even see myself as "Boss." I am, now even in my dreams, just an Adult; a nothing, just like anyone else.
  13. Your dad is 69, which is also one of the best sex positions. This grants him youth in spirit and maybe in girth.
  14. He's slowly transforming into Harvey Weinstein.
  15. You’re supposed to use a spoon or a knife, plastic or otherwise, to spread. Not bread, liddle baby
  16. I mean, I don’t really know what I’m doing. Sounds neat tho
  17. I have two other ones, yeah
  18. Nickleback - Post-Shit Creed - Awfulwave Slipknot - ‘I thought they were from a horror movie’ metal
  19. Wait, so I was right. But hey, maybe she had the goo goo eyes for Hound pie
  20. Now that I’m re-reading it I’m not so sure. I think because it was the lead up to a ‘how low do you go’ question, which is kinda a different story from being swindled.
  21. He said that she came on to him and that *he* lost interest. That’s not an admittance of knowingly being played.
  22. Gauging from the post exclusively, but it seems more likely she wanted you as an access to booze, not as anything else. But hey maybe I'm wrong and she gave you the goo goo eyes and wanted a piece of Hound pie.
  23. you trynna be my daddy or somethin ?
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