glad you agree all serious-ness ....grow up please? watch the video and get a good laugh maybe? or not and just say " nah I don't agree"? come on now I thought we were all suppose to be man-children here...
...i'd go back ...not gonna lie I don't really leave anything behind unless there's no alternative ... I didn't leave the TechTV forums until it was totally dissolved into whatever g4 had going for it ....I was on the asmb for years and made quite a few friends there ...kinda feels like how Dante from Clerks must have felt about the quickstop ....a lot of bullshit going around but at the end of the day? you know your gonna miss it when it's gone ...
I didn't say she wasn't a working mom I'm pretty sure I said my grandmother was still, and is, incredibly active in her life especially when compared to fug
when my grandmother was a younger woman she broke her leg while she was pregnant with my aunt and had to literally hobble around on one leg without a crutch...she had a large garden sitting at a bottom of hill her house was built on ....she's an old woman today in her late 70's and still works ....what's your excuse?
really need to find these sites your using and inform the management of what kind of freak you are zeni ...this is getting beyond abnormal even for you...cops need to be called..
at this point zeni, your like a train-wreck about to occur ..which channel should we be focused on to see your mugshot come up on the next news program for attempted rape and murder?
your not an alpha ...I have no fucking clue WHAT the hell you are but your slowly revealing yourself to be NOT HUMAN either ...for fucksake get that tumor in your head checked already.
I honestly don't really want to know but you ever talk to your mother like this? how the hell do you actually go about your day acting like this?
I should probably start doing that myself teeth are so awful...I should have been taking better care of them but I never really planned to exist past 30 so I never really cared ... because of this I tend to chew with most of my fronts's pretty awkward having to use my tongue to keep my food shoved forward lol
stalker ....creep.... asshole....douche..... honestly Zeni, if your name isn't in the next Webster's dictionary as a word for these i'll really be surprised....
I never really change forums unless I absolutely have to ...I was originally from the old TechTV forums ....I went to the asmb around 2005-06 ...and now i'm here ....
...i then wonder why i'm so bored...
i have HALF an NES's the main piece with all the guts and internals so it all works ...need to see about replacing the pin strip tho as it doesn't register with the cartridges anymore ...I've been wanting to livestream a playthrough of the first 2 castlevania games ...