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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. one time when i was 12 i got a call from a neighbor who sounded like she was getting off .....so no.. i think ...
  2. No they won't, but i can call YOU a gorilla and they won't do a damn thing. As someone who has been working for the last 15 years, half my life since i started high school, I've had to fight just to get interviews. I've had my share of asshole supervisors and laid-back managers. Government had nothing to do with it beyond taxes.
  3. alright that's understandable .. nobody needs to be hurt just for sporting a flag after all.
  4. out here in MO people don't really get in anyone's face. shut them down? for words? your giving that mentality fuel spread ...everyone has a right to free to speech and a right to exercise it.
  5. you say that but i never see anyone shove it in anyone's face ... i do however see the ungrateful little shits of today that act like they deserve a hand-out just for being around getting in people's faces...
  6. ...and here i thought the rednecks from South Park weren't real... so much for having an open mind...
  7. ...seeing a lot of hate and name calling ....yet your complaining about people carrying the flag as hateful and morons ....for all you know some of those people might give half their weekly pay to charities...
  8. after having spent 3 years cleaning bathrooms for an entire school district ....i can safely say urine on a toilet is NOT the worst I've come across...
  9. ...that's not a Cadbury Egg....
  10. work eat and sleep ...in that order...
  11. zeni...your never gonna find anyone who beats their head against the wall more then you do...
  12. i was hoping to go out while in a very cold place ...apparently hypothermia makes you really warm before the end...
  13. was gonna go see Get Out later ...was told it has something to do with a cat..
  14. didn't see dragonball ...thank god ...didn't play aliens : colonial marines ....again thank god ....not going to witness another facet of my childhood "re-invented" from some guy at Hollywood who thinks he can make a quick buck off of nostalgia ...even worse since part of it looks like it's getting the man of steel gritty treatment ...
  15. storms all over the states this week....*chews wheat straw*
  16. i worked with a kid at my current place of employment who acted ..almost like you...hard for me to believe it but i think he was kind of better then you because he didn't curse and spit at everyone around him...he had his ass handed to him by quite a few people...you NEED to get your ass kicked just so you can finally learn that the world doesn't revolve for you, the ungrateful piss ant piece of shit that you are, because if any of the shit that you say on here is remotely true YOUR A COMPLETE ASSHOLE! FOR FUCK SAKE! How have you survived this long?!
  17. ...everything about this says your a goddamn moron...this is NOT how to act in public ..your acting like your a goddamn 12 year old
  18. just eat sugar cookies..you'll do fine
  19. the only thing i got out of this is that your some kind of freakshow monster...you really need a psychiatrist ...
  20. ...luckily i think i can work around the mushroom.. S:
  21. all i read was "ass chocolate"
  22. what kind?
  23. it's too late! ...the damage is done....NOTHING CAN CONSOLE ME NOW!! not even this bowl of strawberry sniggles....
  24. i'mma go cry in the corner now... I'LL BE BACK LATER....and NOT with pizza
  25. ..i never said i was ...
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