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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. I'm gonna have to post some New Order in here. Sorry, y'all.
  2. I guess that explains why that skinny tall, dark-haired girl with the sultry blue eyes kept looking like she was facing me, but her eyes were toward the professor during Govt. II (college). She was interested...for a time. (Funnily enough, she shot me down when I actually talked to her. Guess I was too short for her. She was about 6'2", and I'm 5'9".)
  3. Um, make that Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung. You know, without the underscores. Please and thank you.
  4. If something makes you think, you should just stop thinking. #ThinkingIsBadMkay
  5. And she was quite the looker when she was younger, too. Rashida Jones looks quite a bit like her.
  6. I know about chili beans. It's just that most Texans, including myself, don't put beans in our chili. Call us weird if you want. That's how most of us are.
  7. Real chili doesn't have beans in it. Onions, however, are fine. Cheese is definitely a must. More cheese, the better. (Oh, and I prefer to eat tortilla chips with it, too.)
  8. Thanks. I really didn't need that image in my head. Time for a palate cleanser!
  9. Oh, and we can't forget this little gem either.
  10. @katt_goddess @Admin_Raptorpat Can I have the name Sir_Teddybar_Gut_Fullung, please?
  11. Yeah, I guess it is. Your first one seems quite mischievous.
  12. It's better than saying "Wake me when you're sober", right, Amy Lee of Evanescence?
  13. Maybe so. You never know. You should be able to vent your spleen anytime you want. Don't let anybody stop you.
  14. So what you're saying is you're dead behind the eyes? Okay. (lol j/k)
  15. Okay. We get it. Quit posting your porn fetishes on here already.
  16. What the fuck did you do, man?!?
  17. I would say stop breathing, but I don't want you to die. I mean I can be a jerk at times, but I'm not an asshole by any stretch.
  18. That sounds like a bad country-metal band name. (Country-metal? Does such a genre exist? God, I hope not.)
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