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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Okay. And that matters to me because...? Oh, yeah. it doesn't.
  2. Tell him you don't want to talk. There. Problem solved. That'll be $100.
  3. Charge for sex. (Actually, that was a joke. Please don't do that.)
  4. Why? Are you planning on moving in with her?
  5. Tonight on Coast to Coast AM...
  6. The X-Files was a good show for many seasons until David Duchovny left. Darn it, Mulder! You should've stayed.
  7. Aw, come on, man. You gotta have hope.
  8. Good idea. Thanks for the tip.
  9. I prefer savory bagels with cream cheese on them. I can't do sweet bagels.
  10. Do it. Get a new car. Hell, you could go to CarGurus.com and find one.
  11. Good idea! Next time, you should also find a way to can her fart gas and sell that, too. (Love ya, poof.)
  12. What if it's devoted to porn featuring site users? (No, no. That would be a bad idea.)
  13. One of these days, we've gotta meet up and race go-karts.
  14. They love your dog. (Yeah, yeah, yeah.)
  15. I'm not a woman so I can't say. What I can say is Randy Newman doesn't like short people.
  16. I imagine that's what having a hemorrhoid feels like.
  17. I agree with the consensus opinion so far; however, I still enjoyed season 2 quite a lot. Of course, season three is the best of all. Scoops Ahoy, y'all!
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