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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Looks bad there, sparky. Get fixed ASAP. Seriously, that stinks. Hope you've got an extended warranty.
  2. I'm a pretty good driver. I love driving, too. It's fun.
  3. Nope. I ain't makin' him one.
  4. Shut your manwhore mouth! Area 51 was vital to beating back the alien invasion on July 4th.
  5. I grew up in the woods of East Texas. Big Thicket for life, yo!
  6. Oh. Well, I haven't seen it in a long time. My apologies.
  7. FRIEND! *glomps* *gets up* Er, I mean what's up?
  8. Fruit Stripe isn't bubble gum. It's regular chewing gum that's fruit flavored. Have you tried Dubble Bubble?
  9. Have you tried chewing bubble gum?
  10. I'm not flipping you off, EL. I just wanted to post that gif. That's all. We cool? Yeah. We cool.
  11. Awesome. And now, here's something you'll really like.
  12. Whoops. I thought that was a song by the band Cinderella. My mistake. XD
  13. I was thinking Geddy Lee, but without the soul patch.
  14. I am board. Use me and my brothers when you build your house. Resistance is futile.
  15. Hmm...Well, she looks pretty cute. Too bad she's crazy. (As you've said.)
  16. Yeah, but there's a niche market we could be perfect for. I just need to learn to scream better.
  17. Neato! I've always wanted to learn. Also, we could start a band!
  18. No. I wish I did.. I play guitar, actually. Not very well though. I mean I can at least play a couple tunes that aren't that hard, but I'm not like Jimmy Page or anything.
  19. Yeah! I have a lot of fun posting with you. You're super cool. That gif reminds me of this one time during my senior year in high school when I tried to mosh at a small show festival-type thing. I kept doing shoulder charges with one of my buddies, and the last one literally knocked me off my feet. Everyone laughed, then clapped and screamed my name for getting back up and bowing like a boss even though I looked stupid. It was fun. Though someone tried to kick my butt for getting on his drum set without his permission, even though the last guy who was on it (this guy is a lifelong friend to this very day) said it was cool without mentioning to me it belonged to somebody else. It may have slipped my friend's mind. Oh, well.
  20. Yes. We're fine. In fact, we're awesome. You're probably my favorite person on here right now.
  21. Probably either carpel tunnel or arthritis.
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