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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. What are your top 10 Songs/Movies/Books/Shows and really any other media in your lifetime? I dont mean a list for all of them, I mean a single list of your top 10. For me 1. Robotech-This was my first intro into Anime/SciFi. Opened a whole lot of doors. 2. Dune-Book series/Movie 3. Avatar the Last Airbender-Show that has stood the test of time IMO 4. Godzilla-Movies 5. Young Frankenstein-Really all of Mel Brooks stuff could go here but this was my favorite of his movies. 5. The Kingkiller Chronicle-Name of the Wind, Wisemans fear. Book series. 6. Devil Went Down To Georgia-Charlie Danial's Band. 7.Harry Potter-Books and Movies 8. Super Smash Brothers-N64 9. Mario 64 10. Ghost In The Shell So whats your list look like?
  2. Is it bad that I thought it would be worse for you guys?
  3. I wouldnt be shocked at all.
  4. Pitt would be OK. WOuldnt mind KC either. Just not Oakland or the New England Flatt Balls. Dont really care who wins in the NFC. Atlanta would be a cool team to see make it though.
  5. Lots of talk starting to happen here today about how the Avs are about to blow it up and start from scratch. Sounds like we are about to trade our captain to Boston.
  6. Oh shit Persus is back......
  7. Its easy to survive in the mountains Being hit with cold water sucksssssss
  8. No its not Its about me, always is
  9. Really bad news for the NFL today. Their average viewership dropped 8% over the last year as 1.4 Million people simply tuned out the NFL this year. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/18412873/nfl-tv-viewership-drops-average-8-percent-season The NFL is really in trouble when you think about it. Their audience is getting sick of the same story-lines and watching a game that is 60 minutes take 3 hours because of commercials. When you go to games you notice just how many commercials they force into games, and its beyond annoying. Throw in how the NFL went full-blown Political this year with the whole take-a-knee thing and its no surprise the NFL took a big hit this year.
  10. Every NFL Teams Record over the pat 10 years, ranked from last to first http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/gallery/every-nfl-teams-10-year-record-ranked-32-1-010417
  11. Miami goes into Pitt right? Pitt looks good this year. THey might actually make a run at it.
  12. Mandatory porn? Hmmmmm Is it at least good porn?
  13. Then war would be declared
  14. You are calling me fat I
  15. Also yes
  16. Its cold And snowing So I have a fire
  17. If you build it, they wont care
  18. That doesnt do me any good though
  19. You calling me fat?!
  20. That sounds even colder!
  21. Uhhhhh Nahhhhhhhh You know nothing
  22. That doesnt seem very lulzy
  23. I can survive anywhere
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