Heres a trick
Do not drive over the snow. When you do you just compact it and create ice-pack that is tough to get rid of.
if you do get ice then the best way to do it is blow all the snow you can, then throw a bunch of icemelt down. Let that work for a few hours, then throw some more down. At that point it usually makes it really brittle and fairly easy to scoop up with a flat-head shovel.
Yeaaaa...................I almost feel bad for you but I cant because you guys keep screwing up any chances of stopping the fucking pats from going anywhere.
The cold is the worst part of snow. But its not so bad when you can hide inside and bundle up.
Im kinda good at snowboarding though so that helps with my like of snow <.<
I actually really like the snow. Its always so pretty and I love having a fire and watching it snow.
I do not blame you for not going out in it though. That just sucks.
"And the El Rushbo said, you shall go forth and spread kindness through internet likes, and there was much rejoicing"-The book of El Rushbo, Chapter 50, Verse 5
Well then stop buying their crap!
If you keep giving them money they wont change. All the owners know is if their team made or lost money last year. And nothing forces major change quite as much as watching millions of dollars walk out the door each year.
Texans doing everything they can to give the Raiders a shot at the Slaughterdome in New England, they will start Osweiler this Saturday in their playoff game.