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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Well o_0 Thats one informative list Really does sound like its not a nice place at all.
  2. lol gotta love stalls
  3. I really dont doubt it
  4. What about looking up?
  5. Ok guys question for you, when your out at a sporting event or some other large gathering whats proper urinal etiquette? Im assuming you dont like, gawk at another dudes cock. But what are some of the "unspoken rules" that you guys have?
  6. But thats half the fun
  7. It was good to <3
  8. To late I ated it
  9. Nope Both games today sucked.
  10. Love stories like that. Really impressed by what Chicago is doing here to. Real class act and organization
  11. I love how fast the Raiders blew up Just wonderful to watch
  12. This is well known to everyone
  13. Im pretty creative in terms of the sexual stuff I can think up >.> Thats actually pretty tame. My ultimate "i wish" fetish is 100% impossible to do and yet its beyond sexy, and my god it gets me going when I think about. Problem is theres no way to do any of it. so its like.........beyond frustrating at times. Its funny cause I dont have as much a problem with that as with butt stuff. For wahtever reason Im like totally against anything with the butt. Slapping my ass fine, anything inside....no. Other holes are way better for that IMO.
  14. I think it would be as well
  15. Never was a fan of tails or anything. Funny enough the one big thing ive never been a fan of is anal anything. Just never got it. Got a wayyyy better hole nearby thats a lot funner to play with IMO. And the sci-fi thing is like body mod, body switch, possession and stuff like that. I always had this sorta weird fantasy with a BF of mine where I would swap our bodies and then make him scream while in my body >.> Always seemed like it would be fun to fuck myself with someone else in there <.<
  16. Want something pretty freaking cool to watch? Well head on over here Its a live video from the International Space Station.
  17. Well thats part of it to. Like some of the stuff I consider pretty normal (like light bondage) others might consider crazy. Some of it is also pretty mental. as in it can only happen in my head. I like to bring sci-fi into it <.<
  18. I tend to take things a bit........far sometimes >.> Ive got a lot of normal fetishes, but like the super duper out there OMG ones will make everyone question me
  19. You dont want me to discuss
  20. Lmaoooo First there is Black Twitter, now Black Navy Oh god.....way to many jokes.
  21. Ha We got so much snow here. And more is coming in the next few days it sounds like
  22. Oh I know. Even for me thats a sorta rough top 10. I totally forgot about Silent Hill and that was one of my favorite games of all time. I was just curious what a rough top 10 would be for people to see if any similarities pop up.
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