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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Youve gone well past 13th chance though
  2. Exactly! That is why you failed me!
  3. Cause you have no idea whats coming
  4. Well.........crap......................Ima still try! And you will buy me stuffs!
  5. Im not sure thats a good thing
  6. You say that now..........
  7. Oh yes Very sexy consequences
  8. With [as] itself: none With their shows? A bit. I dont have cable, and even when I did I never watched it live. I watch some of their shows on Hulu from time to time, but I dont go out of my way to figure out anything they are doing these days. Short of R&M and Venture Brothers I really dont even watch their shows.
  9. Nope! You will be punished by being forced to go shopping with me and carrying all the stuff I buy! Also: i will use your credit cards! MUWA HA HA HA HA
  10. She said no such thing! You will be punished!
  11. Who? John? Hes pretty clearly from the story universe.
  12. He always has a plan. When everything else looks like chaos he always seems to be the one who knows exactly what is going on, and how to manipulate it to his benefit.
  13. Yes! Surprise cookies are the best! Itll really take things to the next level when you dont quite know what you are getting.
  14. That might make me think it will be good and not a giant pile of crap, like the last one.
  15. No kidding. Its a bunch of crap that you have to keep going back to get the same prescription Also: take it to rants
  16. Good! Now get to work.....tomorrow.....theres no snow yet.
  17. Well yes! Part of the punishment is sharing in the glory of :420: only then will the cookies be properly appreciated! And as far as cookies, the punishment is to surprise me!
  18. The 49ers might be the worst organization in Football right now. Cleveland had a worse season, but at least they seem to be willing to fix things. The 49ers have nothing. No GM, no coach, no QB, No Defense, no Offense, nothing. I would laugh so damn hard if they bring in Rex.
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