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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Master-Debater131


    Not just in their home, also in their bathroom
  2. We have had one hell of a wind storm here for the past day or so. Hurricane force winds are wrecking all sorts of stuff across the state its to windy
  3. They really really are
  4. That seems to be a common theme so far
  5. I guess years of practice will do that for ya
  6. Well you can fit more guys in a bathroom for sure. Theres also the whole fact that its way easier for guys because you just have to unzip your fly. That takes like what, 2 seconds? Bastards
  7. lol Its like you have this whole thing planned out from the time you enter to when you leave
  8. ITs like a time trial That also helps explain why guys bathrooms are so much faster
  9. Master-Debater131


    Being sober sucks
  10. Lol so like a robot. Just look right ahead and do not turn in any way. How do you get out of a urinal then? Unless you just walk right in....,and then back right out......
  11. Speed is the key. Go fast and run!
  12. so just dont make eye contact with guys and dont look at their junk. Seems like a pretty easy rule to follow.
  13. ew Clean your damn junk!
  14. Give it time, theyll try something like this Hipsters suck
  15. Haha now that must suck. Having to go really badly but cant because you think your being watched. Social Pressure strikes in strange ways........
  16. Well if there is one thing I have learned its to never underestimate the ability of guys to miss the toilet, even with decades of experience. Im still amazed at how you guys manage to miss so badly even with that much practice.
  17. Huh ok then. I guess I could see if a guy with a tiny dick doesnt want to use a urinal because its embarrassing or something. But I dunno. I dont think guys just go around with their junk out in the bathroom so how could you tell if some dudes packing or not?
  18. That sounds horrible How have they not designed a urinal that avoids splashback?
  19. Lol Dicks! Dicks everywhere!
  20. so barriers are good then is what Im getting from everyone here
  21. So what happens at sporting events then? Do guys alternate urinals before filling in the gaps?
  22. lol Taking pictures in a public bathroom seems like a horrible idea, for everyone.
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