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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Avs trade Cody Mack to the Preds for a prospect Sad to see him go. Not the most skilled player but he gave everything he had when he hit the ice.
  2. The Rams have hired the Redskins OC Sean McVay to be their next Head Coach
  3. Thats one of the best ways to fap
  4. Really not a fan of the move to LA The Chargers belong in San Diego Spanos is a fucking asshole. He destroyed his relationship with the city and when they didnt give him a bunch of money he threw a hissy fit and moved.
  5. Was just being honest.........
  6. so good its positively underwhelming!
  7. Yea but thats for people who suck And dont worry, there will be plenty of :420: thats half the fun!
  8. I wasnt going to go back anyways Ima abandon you and our baby -_'
  9. Why would I do that when I havent discovered all the fun ways to pleasure myself?
  11. Well Im not sure I would say good.........
  12. Great! That means we wont have that awkward "whats going on" period either!
  13. Ehhhhhhhhhhhh Stick to lube, keeps things working really well
  14. Works for me! Although dont expect me to call Or help out Or be involved in any possible way
  15. Well yea, duh. Taking pictures and video of someone like that is just..........weird.
  16. Hmmmmmmmmm Im not sure if youde look better in them but theres only one way to find out!
  17. Sure! But lets make it interesting...........strip Scrabble!
  18. : o Thats what that was? You sure you know what your getting yourself into
  19. Luke warm, could go either way depending on the next decision
  20. Depends on the strappy but yes., I do . Some more than others. I could see a lot of this stuff being for fun times................. Thats the problem with fun stuff like that its more expensive and you cant wear it all the time
  21. Amazon gets a lot of my money. I get these emails where If I havent bought anything in a while its like "Heyyyyyyy, you havent bought anything in a while. Why not buy this?" and its always some really cute skirt or leggings or something that I didnt know I needed until I saw it. I like your choices! The last one in particular I could see buying(your evil for making me spend more of my money! >( ).............I also like strappy stuff so we have the same likes it seems lol.
  22. Good thing I dont want a cigar then
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