sidenote: it angers me that arbys has billboards with the arbys hat with antlers and their "we have the meats" slogan, but they don't offer venison or any other wild game meats
if they had, they could really up their sales and get a great deal of publicity for it
no, they were discontinued cuz Marlboro priced them in the top tier category, when they are mid-tier at best
no one wanted to pay the top price for cigs that were midway between top tier and midlevel generic
my store has been stocked with them for months, they aren't popular in my area, its a lot of poor hicks around my store, not what a previous manager would call "a big menthol area"
real soap contains a surfactant which puts a layer between your skin and the dirt/oils on it and when you rinse, you rinse off the soap and dirt+oils
dove doesn't have that, its basically a solid lotion bar and does more damage to your skin by caking up the pores
before I got my girl cat fixed, I couldn't watch the animal planet show Too Cute. the baby kittens would mew and cry and my cat would try to get into the tv to get the babies